Xlinka / NeosPlus

NeosVR Plugin Extra Logix nodes and features
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Add ExtractIDs LogiX node #144

Closed Nytra closed 11 months ago

Nytra commented 11 months ago

Takes a RefID and outputs a ulong for Position and a byte for User

This is possible to do in vanilla Neos with a handful of logix nodes but this does it in just one.

Arti said this would be useful.


Xlinka commented 11 months ago
using FrooxEngine.LogiX;

[NodeName("Extract IDs")]
public class ExtractIDs : LogixNode
    public readonly Input<RefID> RefID;
    public readonly Output<ulong> Position;
    public readonly Output<byte> User;

    protected override void OnEvaluate()
        RefID refId = RefID.Evaluate();
        if (refId != null)
            refId.ExtractIDs(out ulong position, out byte user);
            Position.Value = position;
            User.Value = user;
            Position.Value = 0;
            User.Value = 0;

this is how i would do this node.

Nytra commented 11 months ago

Updated node to use your code