Xlinka / NeosPlus

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Support for Complex numbers #77

Open DoubleStyx opened 1 year ago

DoubleStyx commented 1 year ago

Add Complex as a type to Neos in the BaseX namespace. A complete implementation might not be feasible at this point without access to the original source generators.

Xlinka commented 1 year ago

when talking about complex numbers do you refer to |2 + 3i| = sqrt(13) as a example of finding the modulus or absolute value of a complex number. ?

Xlinka commented 1 year ago

Still no further note on this so no clue what you would like to be added.

DoubleStyx commented 1 year ago

Yes, Complex numbers like 1 + 2i, and their associated operations.


Xlinka commented 1 year ago


this is the one available to us inside neos

also i dont think adding it to base x would be possible its more of we would have to make our own nodes

Xlinka commented 10 months ago

now with the new injector for types as a base this is now plausable