Xman1109 / Atomic_Overhaul

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[Game Crash] Error attempting to concatenate global 'recipes' #20

Closed afewvowels closed 1 year ago

afewvowels commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm currently getting an error on game start. Looks like it's in data-final-fixes.lua at line 116:

Factorio Screenshot 2022 09 30 - 21 51 33 45

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago

It looks like some other mod is overwriting the recipes variable, I'll fix it in the next few hours.

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago

Could you give me your mod list?

afewvowels commented 1 year ago

Well if it's a mod compatibility thing it might be a bit of a lost cuase lol. I'll get that list to you here shortly.

afewvowels commented 1 year ago

base 1.1.69 Flare Stack 2.2.10 rusty-locale 1.0.16 simhelper 1.1.4 Soundpack-alerts-and-sirens-updated-v1-1 1.0.7 YARM 0.8.207 5dim_core 1.1.13 aai-containers 0.2.11 aai-signal-transmission 0.4.7 aai-vehicles-ironclad 0.6.5 alien-biomes 0.6.7 BigBags 1.0.35 bobinserters 1.1.5 boblibrary 1.1.5 bullet-trails 0.6.2 cargo-ships-graphics 0.1.0 ChangeMapSettings 5.0.1 chest-auto-sort 1.0.0 CleanedConcrete 1.0.2 Command_and_Conquer_RedAlert_Sounds 0.9.0 compaktcircuit 1.0.1 CreativeItems 1.6.0 deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 2.4.2 emoji-signals 0.2.0 flib 0.11.2 FluidMustFlow 1.3.1 grappling-gun 0.3.2 informatron 0.2.3 jetpack 0.3.5 Krastorio2Assets 1.2.0 LogisticRequestManager 1.1.23 MiscLib 0.9.2 nixie-tubes 1.1.3 OreEraser 1.5.6 PlayerLevelling 0.1.1 power-grid-comb 1.1.0 quantum-chests 1.0.2 robot_attrition 0.5.12 safefill 1.0.10 SchallVirtualSignal 1.1.2 shield-projector 0.1.6 show-max-underground-distance 0.0.8 space-exploration-graphics 0.6.12 space-exploration-graphics-2 0.6.1 space-exploration-graphics-3 0.6.1 space-exploration-graphics-4 0.6.2 space-exploration-graphics-5 0.6.1 space-exploration-menu-simulations 0.6.8 stdlib 1.4.7 textplates 0.6.9 TrainModeSwitcher 1.0.5 TrainScheduleSignals 2.1.0 5dim_automation 1.1.1 5dim_battlefield 1.1.7 5dim_botrecaller 1.1.2 5dim_decoration 1.1.0 5dim_enemies 1.1.3 5dim_energy 1.1.3 5dimequipment 1.1.3 5dim logistic 1.1.0 5dim_mining 1.1.3 5dim_nuclear 1.1.1 5dim_resources 1.1.2 5dim_storage 1.1.0 5dim_trains 1.1.1 5dim_transport 1.1.5 aai-industry 0.5.19 bobassembly 1.1.15 boblogistics 1.1.5 bobmining 1.1.3 CircuitHUD-V2 1.3.0 combat-mechanics-overhaul 0.6.22 equipment-gantry 0.1.5 EvenMoreTextPlates 1.2.2 fcpu 0.4.14 PickerAtheneum 1.2.5 PipeVisualizer 1.0.4 sonaxaton-research-queue 0.4.21 StatsGui 1.4.1 Deadlock5Dims 1.1.6 PickerInventoryTools 1.1.15 space-exploration 0.6.86 FlareStack-SE 1.0.5 FluidMustFlowSE 0.0.1 Krastorio2 1.3.6 underground-pipe-pack 1.1.2 UnlimitedProductivity 1.4.3 bzsilicon 0.11.4 bztitanium 1.2.8 cargo-ships 0.1.18 Krastorio2RFAC 2.0.0 miniloader 1.15.6 se-space-trains 0.1.12 space-exploration-postporocess 0.6.18 5dim_compatibility 1.1.14 bzlead 1.2.14 LogisticTrainNetwork 1.17.0 more-miniloaders 1.0.9 bztungsten 0.7.4 LTN_Combinator_Modernized 1.0.13 bzzirconium 0.6.11 copy-paste-recipe-signals-to-combinator 2.0.1 LtnManager 0.4.15 bzfoundry 0.2.7 bzcarbon 0.4.6 bzaluminum 0.4.13 bztin 0.1.6 bzgas 0.1.1 bz-dsr-bridge 0.6.0 bzvery 0.4.0

afewvowels commented 1 year ago

Lol it's a lot of mods! I was looking at your mod hoping to find a way to put a power source on a deep spaceship that didn't involve steam turbines lol. It's funny how there's fusion and antimatter reactors in Space Exploration but they just involve making heat to make steam and spin turbines. It's like as humanity we've gone to space and made an internet but we're really just living in a steampunk world still lol.

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago

Could you send me a savefile with all these mods, then I could simply download it and sync all mods instead of enabling/downloading each one?

I am still thinking about including some sort of RTG (radioisotope thermoelectric generator), but I am very bad at making graphics and animations for entities xD

afewvowels commented 1 year ago

Well the stock nuclear reactor just kind of glows and emits steam so I don't think the animations have to be too crazy right? Also wow I just looked at my save file and it's 143 MB. I see why the Space Exploration wiki makes a lot of mentions about trimming surfaces that you're not actively building on!


Also I tweaked a bunch of values in these mods like crafting speed in case you're wondering how I make do with like 4 assemblers making green circuits. I'm really hoping a lot of these mod authors don't push any updates out 🤣

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago

Animations for the reactor are not thaaaat crazy, but if you want you can take a look in the steamapps\common\Factorio\data\base\graphics\entity\nuclear-reactor directory, there you can see all the images that are being used for just the reactor, but I can confidently say, assembly machines are waaaayyyy more complicated.

Btw, feel free to suggest something

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago

I could not quite reproduce this error, but I think I fixed it, but you will need to try... Update comes in the next few minutes.

GeneralTanker commented 1 year ago

Atomic Overhaul recipe update crash 10-1-22

This happened after update to 1.3.3. similar mod pack as afewvowels but no 5dim or bob's

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago

what the hell

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago

its always weird that I dont get these types of errors even though I copy the exact modpack and the exact settings ._.

GeneralTanker commented 1 year ago

Krastorio2 SE11 23 B.zip bzchlorine_0.0.1.zip

Here is my save I have a couple of private mods not ready to upload.

bzchlorine is being tested by brevven

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago


Seems like everything is working, but to ensure that I am not an Idiot, could you test the version that I uploaded to GitHub?

GeneralTanker commented 1 year ago

Did you update your mod to 1.3.3 as well?

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago

The changes are currently only in this GitHub repo, I deleted the 1.3.3 version from the mod portal due to the bugs

GeneralTanker commented 1 year ago

the 1.3.4 github version loads

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago

Does Everything work as intended?

GeneralTanker commented 1 year ago

So far it's working. Still away from most of the tech that mod uses. It might take some time with me being busy with house searching IRL.