Xman1109 / Atomic_Overhaul

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[Bug-Report]Failed to load a migrating save with Space Exploration integration enabled #35

Closed Vascar closed 1 year ago

Vascar commented 1 year ago

Bug Report

Describe the bug

Loading a save with the latest update for the first time accidently had the Space Exploration integration enabled in a mod pack with out Space Exploration. Load fails with this error:

Error while applying migration: Atomic Overhaul: 1.3.15.lua

Atomic_Overhaul/migrations/1.3.15.lua:20: attempt to index field 'iridium-192-processing' (a nil value) stack traceback: Atomic_Overhaul/migrations/1.3.15.lua:20: in main chunk

How to reproduce

Have a old save (pre 1.3.15) with the Space Exploration integration enabled but no Space Exploration. Try to load it with 1.3.15.

Your Idea on how to fix it

In the file "...\migrations\1.3.15.lua", add a if statement either before or after line 19 that reads something like if mods["space-exploration"] then

Vascar commented 1 year ago

If others have encountered this bug. You can disable the SE integration to load your save.

Xman1109 commented 1 year ago

I knew something was off, thanks for pointing it out to me!

I've pushed an update to the modportal which should fix it.