Xman1109 / Atomic_Overhaul

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[Game Crash] After latest update. Not when starting the game, but when loading a save. #53

Closed djubre7 closed 3 months ago

djubre7 commented 3 months ago

Mod Crashed Game

Your factorio-current.log / error message screenshot


A list of Mods you are playing with (mod-list.json / written out list)


Your Idea why it crashed?

Latest update.

Additional Information

Game does not crash at start, but when trying to load a save. It starts to load, then returns to the main menu with the error message: "Function 4: function must be a function but is a table stack traceback: [C]: in function 'add_interface' Atomic_Overhaul/scripts/remote-interface.lua:2: in main chunk [C]: in function 'require' Atomic_Overhaul/control.lua:46: in main chunk"

caspaas commented 3 months ago

same here! but with starting a new game AND loading a save