XoopsModules25x / adslight

Adslight is a classifieds module that allow users of XOOPS website to advertise items for sale, exchange or barter.
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forced currency in $ #13

Closed JJDai54 closed 3 years ago

JJDai54 commented 3 years ago

fichier Utility.php fonction : public static function getMoneyFormat($format, $number) ligne 649 setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US'); // setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr_FR');

la devise est forcée en "$" quelque soit la devise choisie pourquoi ne pas utiliser l'option "adslight_currency_symbol" de "xoops_version.php" ?

the currency is forced in "$" whatever the chosen currency why not use the "adslight_currency_symbol" option of "xoops_version.php"?

mambax7 commented 3 years ago

Could you test it and submit a Pull Request? Thanks!

mambax7 commented 3 years ago

I've made some changes which are not the cleanest, and probably not what you wanted, but it seems it's working with US$. But I'm curious if it works in French/Euro environment? Please check it out and let me know. This module needs to be rewritten because there is too much different code mixed in, and too many different approaches. We need to standardize it on the Admin side, so its behavior is more consistent with other modules. Maybe it's time for version 3.0? :)

mambax7 commented 3 years ago

I just tested it with different languages set through xLanguage, and I see that the currency doesn't work properly, so I'll have to do some more testing I'll keep you posted...

mambax7 commented 3 years ago

With the new function it seems to be working OK, so I'm closing it...