Xpra-org / xpra

Persistent remote applications for X11; screen sharing for X11, MacOS and MSWindows.
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Latest xpra packages pull in a bunch of unnecessary dependencies on update #2324

Closed totaam closed 5 years ago

totaam commented 5 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 2324

component: packaging | priority: major | resolution: invalid

2019-06-10 21:51:03: turkstra created the issue

See title. Here's what happens when I run dnf update:

[root@endor ~]# dnf update --refresh
Fedora Modular 30 - x86_64                      109 kB/s |  17 kB     00:00    
Fedora Modular 30 - x86_64 - Updates            914 kB/s | 2.0 MB     00:02    
Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates                     13 MB/s |  13 MB     00:00    
Fedora 30 - x86_64                               22 MB/s |  70 MB     00:03    
google-chrome                                   6.8 kB/s | 3.4 kB     00:00    
google-talkplugin                               5.3 kB/s | 2.6 kB     00:00    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Free - Updates       269 kB/s | 154 kB     00:00    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Free                 783 kB/s | 735 kB     00:00    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Nonfree - Updates     27 kB/s |  34 kB     00:01    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 30 - Nonfree              248 kB/s | 227 kB     00:00    
Winswitch 30 - x86_64                           195 kB/s | 204 kB     00:01    
ZFS on Linux for Fedora 30                      105 kB/s |  83 kB     00:00    
Dependencies resolved.
============================================================================####  Package                          Arch   Version                Repo       Size============================================================================
 python2-xpra                     x86_64 2.5.2-0.[r22875](../commit/dcdab4fc0ac91d8acae7531111bd4e337651357b).fc30    winswitch 2.7 M
 python2-xpra-client              x86_64 2.5.2-0.[r22875](../commit/dcdab4fc0ac91d8acae7531111bd4e337651357b).fc30    winswitch 541 k
 python2-xpra-server              x86_64 2.5.2-0.[r22875](../commit/dcdab4fc0ac91d8acae7531111bd4e337651357b).fc30    winswitch 716 k
 xpra-common                      noarch 2.5.2-0.[r22875](../commit/dcdab4fc0ac91d8acae7531111bd4e337651357b).fc30    winswitch 279 k
 xpra-common-client               noarch 2.5.2-0.[r22875](../commit/dcdab4fc0ac91d8acae7531111bd4e337651357b).fc30    winswitch  22 k
 xpra-common-server               noarch 2.5.2-0.[r22875](../commit/dcdab4fc0ac91d8acae7531111bd4e337651357b).fc30    winswitch  64 k
Installing dependencies:
 cogl                             x86_64 1.22.4-1.fc30          updates   459 k
 evolution-data-server            x86_64 3.32.2-1.fc30          updates   2.1 M
 evolution-data-server-langpacks  noarch 3.32.2-1.fc30          updates   1.4 M
 flatpak-selinux                  x86_64 1.4.0-1.fc30           updates    24 k
 geoclue2-libs                    x86_64 2.5.3-1.fc30           updates    46 k
 gjs                              x86_64 1.56.2-2.fc30          updates   412 k
 gnome-control-center             x86_64 3.32.2-1.fc30          updates   5.7 M
 gnome-control-center-filesystem  noarch 3.32.2-1.fc30          updates   9.7 k
 gnome-desktop3                   x86_64 3.32.2-1.fc30          updates   561 k
 gnome-shell                      x86_64 3.32.2-2.fc30          updates   1.4 M
 gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free     x86_64 1.16.0-2.fc30          updates    95 k
 lua-lpeg                         x86_64 1.0.1-10.fc30          updates    63 k
 mutter                           x86_64 3.32.2-1.fc30          updates   2.4 M
 ostree-libs                      x86_64 2019.2-1.fc30          updates   365 k
 python2-gstreamer1               x86_64 1.16.0-1.fc30          updates   111 k
 python2-mako                     noarch 1.0.9-1.fc30           updates   151 k
 xdg-desktop-portal               x86_64 1.4.2-1.fc30           updates   338 k
 bolt                             x86_64 0.7-2.fc30             fedora    157 k
 cheese-libs                      x86_64 2:3.32.1-1.fc30        fedora    807 k
 clutter                          x86_64 1.26.2-8.fc30          fedora    1.1 M
 clutter-gst3                     x86_64 3.0.27-1.fc30          fedora     79 k
 clutter-gtk                      x86_64 1.8.4-5.fc30           fedora     44 k
 colord-gtk                       x86_64 0.1.26-11.fc30         fedora     29 k
 gdm                              x86_64 1:3.32.0-3.fc30        fedora    508 k
 geocode-glib                     x86_64 3.26.1-2.fc30          fedora     67 k
 gnome-bluetooth                  x86_64 1:3.32.1-2.fc30        fedora     42 k
 gnome-bluetooth-libs             x86_64 1:3.32.1-2.fc30        fedora    300 k
 gnome-keyring-pam                x86_64 3.31.91-1.fc30         fedora     26 k
 gnome-online-accounts            x86_64 3.32.0-1.fc30          fedora    459 k
 gnome-session                    x86_64 3.32.0-1.fc30          fedora    365 k
 gnome-session-wayland-session    x86_64 3.32.0-1.fc30          fedora     11 k
 gnome-session-xsession           x86_64 3.32.0-1.fc30          fedora     12 k
 gnome-settings-daemon            x86_64 3.32.0-1.fc30          fedora    973 k
 gnome-shell-extension-common     noarch 3.32.1-1.fc30          fedora    140 k
 gnome-shell-extension-user-theme noarch 3.32.1-1.fc30          fedora     11 k
 grilo                            x86_64 0.3.7-2.fc30           fedora    211 k
 gsound                           x86_64 1.0.2-9.fc30           fedora     32 k
 gupnp-av                         x86_64 0.12.11-1.fc30         fedora     85 k
 gupnp-dlna                       x86_64 0.10.5-10.fc30         fedora     81 k
 iio-sensor-proxy                 x86_64 2.5-2.fc30             fedora     50 k
 libappindicator                  x86_64 12.10.0-24.fc30        fedora     40 k
 libappstream-glib                x86_64 0.7.15-1.fc30          fedora    307 k
 libgdata                         x86_64 0.17.9-4.fc30          fedora    439 k
 libgweather                      x86_64 3.32.1-1.fc30          fedora    3.1 M
 libhandy                         x86_64 0.0.9-1.fc30           fedora     74 k
 libindicator                     x86_64 12.10.1-14.fc30        fedora     65 k
 libmediaart                      x86_64 1.9.4-7.fc30           fedora     42 k
 liboauth                         x86_64 1.0.3-12.fc30          fedora     25 k
 libquvi                          x86_64 0.9.4-14.fc30          fedora     87 k
 libquvi-scripts                  noarch 0.9.20131130-11.fc30   fedora    106 k
 libsodium                        x86_64 1.0.17-2.fc30          fedora    152 k
 libstemmer                       x86_64 0-12.585svn.fc30       fedora     70 k
 libtomcrypt                      x86_64 1.18.2-3.fc30          fedora    376 k
 lua-expat                        x86_64 1.3.0-14.fc30          fedora     34 k
 lua-json                         noarch 1.3.2-11.fc30          fedora     26 k
 lua-socket                       x86_64 3.0-0.19.rc1.fc30      fedora    173 k
 python2-appdirs                  noarch 1.4.3-8.fc30           fedora     22 k
 python2-atomicwrites             noarch 1.3.0-1.fc30           fedora     18 k
 python2-bcrypt                   x86_64 3.1.4-7.fc30           fedora     40 k
 python2-crypto                   x86_64 2.6.1-25.fc30          fedora    461 k
 python2-decorator                noarch 4.3.0-2.fc30           fedora     22 k
 python2-funcsigs                 noarch 1.0.2-12.fc30          fedora     29 k
 python2-markupsafe               x86_64 1.1.1-1.fc30           fedora     29 k
 python2-more-itertools           noarch 4.1.0-5.fc30           fedora     47 k
 python2-pathlib2                 noarch 2.3.2-3.fc30           fedora     40 k
 python2-pluggy                   noarch 0.8.1-1.fc30           fedora     37 k
 python2-py                       noarch 1.7.0-3.fc30           fedora    463 k
 python2-pynacl                   x86_64 1.3.0-1.fc30           fedora     94 k
 python2-pytest                   noarch 3.9.3-2.fc30           fedora    1.4 M
 python2-scandir                  x86_64 1.9.0-4.fc30           fedora     35 k
 switcheroo-control               x86_64 1.1-7.fc30             fedora     28 k
 totem-pl-parser                  x86_64 3.26.3-1.fc30          fedora    181 k
 xdg-desktop-portal-gtk           x86_64 1.2.0-3.fc30           fedora    168 k
 xorg-x11-server-Xwayland         x86_64 1.20.4-3.fc30          fedora    913 k
 python2-pytools                  noarch 2018.5.2-1.fc30        winswitch 134 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 flatpak                          x86_64 1.4.0-1.fc30           updates   1.1 M
                                  noarch 22-1.fc30.20190422.76759a5
                                                                updates    30 k
 p11-kit-server                   x86_64       updates   207 k
 gnome-remote-desktop             x86_64 0.1.7-1.fc30           fedora     62 k
 gnome-tweaks                     noarch 3.32.0-1.fc30          fedora    314 k
 gtk2-immodule-xim                x86_64 2.24.32-4.fc30         fedora     19 k
 python2-appindicator             x86_64 12.10.0-24.fc30        fedora     17 k
 python2-avahi                    x86_64 0.7-18.fc30            fedora     13 k
 python2-dns                      noarch 1.15.0-10.fc30         fedora    241 k
 python2-gssapi                   x86_64 1.5.1-2.fc30           fedora    437 k
 python2-kerberos                 x86_64 1.3.0-4.fc30           fedora     30 k
 python2-ldap                     x86_64 3.1.0-4.fc30           fedora    215 k
 python2-paramiko                 noarch 2.4.2-2.fc30           fedora    284 k
 python2-setproctitle             x86_64 1.1.10-12.fc30         fedora     21 k
 rygel                            x86_64 0.36.2-3.fc30          fedora    995 k
 vino                             x86_64 3.22.0-15.fc30         fedora    439 k
 gstreamer1-plugins-ugly          x86_64 1.16.0-2.fc30          rpmfusion-free-updates
                                                                          176 k
 python2-pycuda                   x86_64 2018.1.1-3             winswitch 675 k
 python2-uinput                   x86_64 0.11.2-3.fc30          winswitch  38 k
 python2-xpra-audio               x86_64 2.5.2-0.[r22875](../commit/dcdab4fc0ac91d8acae7531111bd4e337651357b).fc30    winswitch  88 k

Transaction Summary
Install  95 Packages
Upgrade   6 Packages

Total download size: 40 M
Is this ok [y/N]: 
totaam commented 5 years ago

2019-06-11 04:49:57: antoine changed status from new to closed

totaam commented 5 years ago

2019-06-11 04:49:57: antoine set resolution to invalid

totaam commented 5 years ago

2019-06-11 04:49:57: antoine commented

Most of these are optional. See #2298#comment:12 and use dnf --setopt=install_weak_deps=False --best install xpra

totaam commented 5 years ago

2019-06-11 05:14:06: turkstra changed status from closed to reopened

totaam commented 5 years ago

2019-06-11 05:14:06: turkstra removed resolution (was invalid)

totaam commented 5 years ago

2019-06-11 05:14:06: turkstra commented

This is for update, not install. Although, it appears as though I can also use the setopt with dnf update. That said, I'm going to have to modify the default config for dnf-automatic so automatic updates also disable install_weak_deps. This seems broken. I don't have to do it for any of my other packages...

Reading [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:WeakDependencies] maybe those packages should be Hints instead of WeakDependencies?

totaam commented 5 years ago

2019-06-11 05:57:06: antoine changed status from reopened to closed

totaam commented 5 years ago

2019-06-11 05:57:06: antoine set resolution to invalid

totaam commented 5 years ago

2019-06-11 05:57:06: antoine commented

This is for update, not install The flag applies to both.

... maybe those packages should be Hints instead of WeakDependencies?? No, this would degrade a default install (which is gnome - for better or for worse). When you choose to change the default configuration of a distribution (ie: not using gnome), you have to deal with the consequences - not everybody else.

totaam commented 5 years ago

2019-06-11 09:28:45: antoine commented

For Fedora 29 onwards, as of r22896 we should no longer depend on anything gnome specific.

This should drastically reduce the amount of dependencies brought in by default.