Xpra-org / xpra

Persistent remote applications for X11; screen sharing for X11, MacOS and MSWindows.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Unable to use (copilot) tab-completion in PyCharm #4220

Open stdedos opened 1 month ago

stdedos commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

It seems that "spurious" Ctrl_R events are happening 😕


"Xpra-Light-x86_64_6.1-r35733\xpra_cmd" shadow ssh://user@ip/0  --modal-windows=no --headerbar=off --title="@title@ on @@/@server-display@" --encodings=-webp --microphone=off --speaker=off --webcam=no --pulseaudio=no --opengl=no --min-speed=70 --key-shortcut=Shift+F2:toggle_pointer_grab


2024-05-08 21:55:50,192 Xpra GTK3 client version 6.1-r35733 (gfec4bb7e41) beta (light build)
2024-05-08 21:55:50,482  running on Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
2024-05-08 21:55:50,482  cpython 3.11
2024-05-08 21:55:51,282 GStreamer version 1.24.3
2024-05-08 21:55:51,309 created named pipe 'Xpra\7040'
2024-05-08 21:55:51,439 keyboard layout 'United States - English' : 'us' (0x409)
2024-05-08 21:55:51,569 Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_8.2p1)
2024-05-08 21:55:51,654 Auth banner: b'Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS \\n 
2024-05-08 21:55:51,673 SSH password authentication failed:
2024-05-08 21:55:51,674  Bad authentication type
2024-05-08 21:55:51,674   allowed types: ['publickey', 'password']
2024-05-08 21:55:59,535 Authentication (password) successful!
2024-05-08 21:55:59,806 ssh server OS is 'linux-gnu'
2024-05-08 21:55:59,965 paramiko SSH agent forwarding enabled
2024-05-08 21:56:00,055  keyboard settings: layout=us
2024-05-08 21:56:00,057  desktop size is 4480x1516:
2024-05-08 21:56:00,058   Default (1185x401 mm - DPI: 96x96) workarea: 4480x1476
2024-05-08 21:56:00,058     Samsung C32JG5x  2560x1440 at    0x0    (697x392 mm - DPI: 93x93) workarea: 2560x1400
2024-05-08 21:56:00,058     LG IPS234        1920x1080 at 2560x436  (510x290 mm - DPI: 96x95) workarea: 1920x1040 at 2560x436
2024-05-08 21:56:00,213  SSH: 'Entering daemon mode; any further errors will be reported to:'
2024-05-08 21:56:00,214  SSH: "  '/run/user/1000/xpra/0/server.log'"
2024-05-08 21:56:01,320 enabled remote logging
2024-05-08 21:56:01,321 Xpra shadow server version 5.0
2024-05-08 21:56:01,322  remote desktop size is 1920x1200
2024-05-08 21:56:01,323   :0.0 (508x317 mm - DPI: 96x96) workarea: 1851x1173 at   69x27
2024-05-08 21:56:01,323     LGD eDP-1        (336x210 mm - DPI: 145x145)
2024-05-08 21:56:01,763 running, 1 windows
2024-05-08 22:13:49,262 keyboard layout 'Greek' : 'gr' (0x408)
2024-05-08 22:13:49,268 keymap has been changed to 'gr'
2024-05-08 22:13:49,268  sending updated mappings to the server
2024-05-08 22:13:52,985 keyboard layout 'United States - English' : 'us' (0x409)
2024-05-08 22:13:52,991 keymap has been changed to 'us'
2024-05-08 22:13:52,992  sending updated mappings to the server

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. server command
  2. client command
  3. specific action to trigger the bug

System Information (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. Please see "reporting bugs" in the wiki section.

totaam commented 1 month ago

Shadow servers... so we have to try our best to find a mapping between the client's state and the server's.

Can you provide a short log sample of the keypress with both the client and server running with -d keyboard? (the server log should suffice and include the client logging)