Xruptor / BagSync

BagSync tracks your characters items and displays it within tooltips.
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Cross-Faction? #136

Closed strickland closed 3 years ago

strickland commented 3 years ago

I am not sure if there's an option for this but I play horde/alliance on same realm also sometime on other realms as well. Sometimes its nice to see what my alliance got of the same item.

But for me it doesn't show what my alliance got of that item or currency. Is there an option to enable this, or is this disable for some other reason that i am not aware of.

Xruptor commented 3 years ago

Hey there! There should be an option in the BagSync addon options to enable cross faction. You can definitely see stuff from cross faction characters. It works when I'm on my horde toon and can see my alliance toon items. So make sure you enable it! Let me know if you still have any issues.

strickland commented 3 years ago

I do have the options ON, however I still can't see how much my horde has. Does he have to be in the same realm? My horde on Draenor, my alliance on Auchindoun.

Is this the option?


strickland commented 3 years ago

As you can see in the screenshots, my alliance chars don't see the horde. Also the horde don't see the alliance.

Xruptor commented 3 years ago

I do have the options ON, however I still can't see how much my horde has. Does he have to be in the same realm? My horde on Draenor, my alliance on Auchindoun.

Is this the option?


If it's two completely different accounts it won't work. It has to be the same BNET account and have cross realm and cross faction enabled. I think I put that in the FAQ portion of the addon settings. I can't recall 😆 If you are on the same account and still having issues let me know.

strickland commented 3 years ago

It is on the same account man. Still not working oddly enough, did you see screenshot? I got the option on right?

Xruptor commented 3 years ago

It is on the same account man. Still not working oddly enough, did you see screenshot? I got the option on right?

If it's on the same account it should be working. Realms don't matter. I need to investigate this. It may be a bug. I'm going to have to look at your BagSync DB to see what's going on. I may be able to figure out what is causing the issue.

Can you please zip up and post here your BagSync.lua file. You can find it in your WOW Install directory. World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF\Account\YOUR ACCOUNT NAME\SavedVariables

strickland commented 3 years ago

Editing Remark by @Xruptor : Thanks I got your data. Edited this post since it was pretty lengthy. :) Was hoping you'd attach the file by dragging and dropping it in comment.

Xruptor commented 3 years ago

I got your data. I'm going to see what's going on. Maybe I can reproduce the issue. I have a feeling it has to do with the servers.

Xruptor commented 3 years ago

Just an update. I haven't had a moment to look at this just yet. Been real busy last few days. I should be able to have some time tomorrow though.

Xruptor commented 3 years ago

Okay I think I've determined what is going on. Your Horde toon has the same name as an alliance toon. There seems to be a conflict in the code with this and it DOES show both toons but with the wrong faction icon. I'm looking into it and trying to debug why this is happening.

Xruptor commented 3 years ago

Okay I figured it out. First off your character names are quite confusing. It took me awhile to realize you had two toons with similar names but different letters. It was throwing me off. One is XaHn the other is XaNh. So that wasn't an issue in the database as I had thought. So we can scratch that out as I did some debugging in game. Everything is working correctly on that end.

So now to the root of the issue. The reason the items aren't showing for your Horde character is because your horde character is NOT on a crossrealm (Connected Realms) compatible server with Auchindoun. The cross realm items only really show up properly when you play on compatible crossrealm servers that are linked within the same group. Here is the list. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Connected_Realms

Auchindoun is connected to the following: Elune, Gilneas, Auchindoun, Laughing Skull and Cho'gall

Draenor is connected to the following: Echo Isles and Draenor

So because they are not connected the standard option for showing items within a crossrealm doesn't work. In order to SEE items on your horde toon. You will need to enable the BNET account option. Then it will show your horde toon. I should note that you shouldn't be able to transfer items between characters not on connected realms. I'm not entirely sure if this has changed but back when I played you couldn't do it.


strickland commented 3 years ago

Ahhhh, so the items only show up if both characters that are in different factions are within the same "Connected realms" ? I did not know that.

I thought it should work across all realms if i'm playing in EU...shouldn't that be the case? similar to the way arkinventory works. I've used to have arkinventory before and it shows everything that i have inside of my account on all factions/servers regardless if its connected or not. Only important factor is that they must be all in EU realms.

Anyway you are right about my char names, they are kinda confusing haha ;) But maybe you are also right in regard to my horde and alliance character having the same name.........I've got

Alliance: Xahn, Xanh

Horde: Xahn

So maybe cuz one of my alliance is exact same name & class, maybe thats the problem? All of these are druids btw.

Anyway, if you say they must be connected realms, then the different realms but all in EU cannot see each other? which is what I wanted in the first place, if that wont work with Bagsync then I retreat my post in here...

Furthermore I'd like to thank you in giving me your valuable time for free, I really really do appreciate it <3 Keep up the good work man. Thumbs up

Xruptor commented 3 years ago

Ahhhh, so the items only show up if both characters that are in different factions are within the same "Connected realms" ? I did not know that.

Yep, the way the servers are setup right now. You can only really transfer stuff and interact with factions within the same connected realm group. Since you have two servers on two separate connected realms, there really isn't a reason to see your horde players stuff since you won't be able to transfer anything. However, I made an option to do it anyway using the BNET setting.

I thought it should work across all realms if i'm playing in EU...shouldn't that be the case? similar to the way arkinventory works. I've used to have arkinventory before and it shows everything that i have inside of my account on all factions/servers regardless if its connected or not. Only important factor is that they must be all in EU realms.

Technically you can just have the BNET option on in BagSync. This is what arkinventory does. However, again you can't really share items between accounts that aren't on connected realms. Unless this has been changed and I'm not aware of it lol. Which is a possibility! 😆

Anyway you are right about my char names, they are kinda confusing haha ;) But maybe you are also right in regard to my horde and alliance character having the same name.........I've got

Alliance: Xahn, Xanh

Horde: Xahn

So maybe cuz one of my alliance is exact same name & class, maybe thats the problem? All of these are druids btw.

No the character names aren't the issue. I did a debug and the heart of the problem is the fact the servers aren't connected realms. So the standard config options for BagSync won't work. This is why you need the BNET setting checked.

Anyway, if you say they must be connected realms, then the different realms but all in EU cannot see each other? which is what I wanted in the first place, if that wont work with Bagsync then I retreat my post in here...

Furthermore I'd like to thank you in giving me your valuable time for free, I really really do appreciate it <3 Keep up the good work man. Thumbs up

Of course anytime! I always try to help out folks that have questions. It allows me to find bugs and squash them! So questions like these are welcomed! Thanks again for using BagSync!