Xruptor / BagSync

BagSync tracks your characters items and displays it within tooltips.
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[Bug] Cross-Realm Guild Bank contents not displaying properly #359

Closed F-Lambda closed 3 weeks ago

F-Lambda commented 3 weeks ago

After opening the guild bank on a second character that's on a separate realm from the guild's realm, the contents are shown duplicated. The duplicate guild bank contents are shown as being on an "Unknown" realm (whose faction changes to whatever the most recent character to login was). The one upside is that it doesn't create a new Unknown realm guild for each realm that logs into it (if it did there'd be three copies in the screenshots).



Xruptor commented 3 weeks ago

I suspect that Blizzard did something with how the servers are displayed and grabbed in the API. There is a similar issue with someone else in another ticket that sounds vaguely familiar.

Can you please tell me the correct name for the UNKNOWN server?

Xruptor commented 3 weeks ago

Please try the follow BagSync BagSync.zip

Once in game, type /bgs debug Make sure to enable the debug feature and enable DEBUG, INFO, TRACE, SL3

  1. Do a /reloaduior /reload
  2. Please copy and paste the contents of the BagSync Debug window here. There is an export button for that.
  3. Press "clear"
  4. Hover over and item in the guild bank and export/copy the results here.
F-Lambda commented 3 weeks ago
[12:35:11]: [Unit]: DoRealmCollection, OnEnable
[12:35:11]: [Unit]: DoRealmCollection-realmKey, Proudmoore
[12:35:11]: [Unit]: DoRealmCollection-rwsKey, Proudmoore
[12:35:11]: [Unit]: DoRealmCollection-lowerKey, proudmoore
[12:35:11]: [Data]: OnEnable
[12:35:11]: [Data]: UnitInfo-1, Enasanoth, Proudmoore
[12:35:11]: [Data]: UnitInfo-2, EVOKER, Dracthyr, 3, Alliance
[12:35:11]: [Data]: UnitInfo-3, Arcana Imperii©, --UNKNOWN--
[12:35:11]: [Data]: RealmKey, Proudmoore
[12:35:11]: [Data]: RealmKey_RWS, Proudmoore
[12:35:11]: [Data]: RealmKey_LC, proudmoore
[12:35:11]: [Data]: LoadSlashCommand
[12:35:11]: [Events]: OnEnable
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: StartupScans, nil
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: SaveEquipment, true
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: SaveEquippedBags, bag, false
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 0, true
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 1, true
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 2, true
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 3, true
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 4, true
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 5, true
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: SaveCurrency, true
[12:35:11]: [Data]: CheckExpiredAuctions, true
[12:35:11]: [Data]: IterateUnits, true, nil
[12:35:11]: [Scanner]: CleanupProfessions, true
[12:35:11]: [Data]: IterateUnits, true, nil
[12:35:11]: [Tooltip]: OnEnable
[12:35:11]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 0000028C08CE2C60
[12:35:11]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 0000028C23D9AC10
[12:35:11]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 0000028C08CE6F90
[12:35:11]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 0000028C08D93C40
[12:35:11]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 0000028C08D83010
[12:35:15]: [Events]: BAG_UPDATE_DELAYED
[12:35:15]: [Events]: SpamBagQueue, 0
[12:35:15]: [Events]: SpamBagQueue, totalProcessed, 0
[12:35:17]: [CORE]: DoTimer, DataDumpCache-0, 0.3, BagSync_Data, PopulateItemCache
[12:35:17]: [Data]: PopulateItemCache, 55, 0
[12:35:17]: [CORE]: DoTimer, DataDumpCache-1, 0.3, BagSync_Data, PopulateItemCache
[12:35:17]: [Data]: PopulateItemCache, 55, 1
[12:35:17]: [CORE]: DoTimer, DataDumpCache-2, 0.3, BagSync_Data, PopulateItemCache
[12:35:17]: [Data]: PopulateItemCache, 27, 2
[12:35:18]: [CORE]: DoTimer, DataDumpCache-3, 0.3, BagSync_Data, PopulateItemCache
[12:35:18]: [Data]: PopulateItemCache, 27, 3
[12:35:32]: [Events]: BAGSYNC_EVENT_GUILDBANK, true
[12:35:32]: [Events]: GuildBank_Open, true
[12:35:38]: [CORE]: DoTimer, GUILDBANKBAGSLOTS_CHANGED, 1, BagSync_Events, GuildBank_Changed
[12:35:38]: [Events]: GuildBank_Changed, true
[12:35:38]: [Data]: CheckGuildDB, Enasanoth, Proudmoore, Arcana Imperii©, --UNKNOWN--, Proudmoore
[12:35:38]: [Scanner]: SaveGuildBank, FoundGuild, true, 1, 6
[12:35:38]: [Unit]: GetPlayerInfo, Enasanoth, Proudmoore, Alliance, EVOKER, Dracthyr, Arcana Imperii©, --UNKNOWN--
[12:35:40]: [Unit]: GetPlayerInfo, Enasanoth, Proudmoore, Alliance, EVOKER, Dracthyr, Arcana Imperii©, --UNKNOWN--
[12:35:40]: [Data]: GetPlayerGuild, Arcana Imperii©, true
[12:35:40]: [Data]: IterateUnits, false, nil
[12:35:40]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [*]  Arcana Imperii, Azgalor, false, false, Proudmoore
[12:35:40]: [Data]: GetPlayerObj, Enasanoth, Proudmoore, true
[12:35:40]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [*]  Arcana Imperii, --UNKNOWN--, false, false, Proudmoore
[12:35:40]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, 76136, 76136, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 18, WL-OFF
Xruptor commented 3 weeks ago

Is "Arcana Imperii" supposed to be on two servers or on the same server? if it's two separate servers, which two are they?

F-Lambda commented 3 weeks ago

The guild itself is based on Azgalor, and I have cross-realm characters in it on Proudmoore and Tichondrius

Xruptor commented 3 weeks ago

In addition please type this in chat, and let me know what it returns. It should return multiple fields

/script print(GetGuildInfo("player"))

F-Lambda commented 3 weeks ago

Arcana Imperii Veteres 2 Azgalor

Xruptor commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you! I'll take a look at all the info and see what's going on. I may have you test more as I need to pinpoint where exactly it's pulling UNKNOWN.

Xruptor commented 3 weeks ago

Okay try this version of BagSync. Let me know if the issue still happens with the Guilds. BagSync.zip

In addition I need you to repeat the debug steps above for hovering over an item in the Guild Bank. I need to see the print out to verify the new information I added is working.

F-Lambda commented 3 weeks ago

Think there might be a caps issue with new implementation, no longer unknown but still separate from normal guild (I did delete the guild profiles so they were fresh):


[14:25:52]: [Unit]: DoRealmCollection, OnEnable
[14:25:52]: [Unit]: DoRealmCollection-realmKey, Proudmoore
[14:25:52]: [Unit]: DoRealmCollection-rwsKey, Proudmoore
[14:25:52]: [Unit]: DoRealmCollection-lowerKey, proudmoore
[14:25:52]: [Data]: OnEnable
[14:25:52]: [Data]: UnitInfo-1, Enasanoth, Proudmoore
[14:25:52]: [Data]: UnitInfo-2, EVOKER, Dracthyr, 3, Alliance
[14:25:52]: [Data]: UnitInfo-3, Arcana Imperii©, azgalor
[14:25:52]: [Data]: RealmKey, Proudmoore
[14:25:52]: [Data]: RealmKey_RWS, Proudmoore
[14:25:52]: [Data]: RealmKey_LC, proudmoore
[14:25:52]: [Data]: LoadSlashCommand
[14:25:52]: [Events]: OnEnable
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: StartupScans, nil
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: SaveEquipment, true
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: SaveEquippedBags, bag, false
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 0, true
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 1, true
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 2, true
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 3, true
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 4, true
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 5, true
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: SaveCurrency, true
[14:25:52]: [Data]: CheckExpiredAuctions, true
[14:25:52]: [Data]: IterateUnits, true, nil
[14:25:52]: [Scanner]: CleanupProfessions, true
[14:25:52]: [Data]: IterateUnits, true, nil
[14:25:52]: [Tooltip]: OnEnable
[14:25:52]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 0000028BD9447D10
[14:25:52]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 0000028D27A9AAB0
[14:25:52]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 0000028BD944C040
[14:25:52]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 0000028BAD7D7AC0
[14:25:52]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 0000028BAD7C6E90
[14:25:57]: [Events]: BAG_UPDATE_DELAYED
[14:25:57]: [Events]: SpamBagQueue, 0
[14:25:57]: [Events]: SpamBagQueue, totalProcessed, 0
[14:26:00]: [CORE]: DoTimer, DataDumpCache-0, 0.3, BagSync_Data, PopulateItemCache
[14:26:00]: [Data]: PopulateItemCache, 395, 0
[14:26:00]: [CORE]: DoTimer, DataDumpCache-1, 0.3, BagSync_Data, PopulateItemCache
[14:26:00]: [Data]: PopulateItemCache, 395, 1
[14:26:01]: [CORE]: DoTimer, DataDumpCache-2, 0.3, BagSync_Data, PopulateItemCache
[14:26:01]: [Data]: PopulateItemCache, 81, 2
[14:26:01]: [CORE]: DoTimer, DataDumpCache-3, 0.3, BagSync_Data, PopulateItemCache
[14:26:01]: [Data]: PopulateItemCache, 81, 3
[14:26:01]: [CORE]: DoTimer, DataDumpCache-4, 0.3, BagSync_Data, PopulateItemCache
[14:26:01]: [Data]: PopulateItemCache, 81, 4
[14:26:02]: [CORE]: DoTimer, DataDumpCache-5, 0.3, BagSync_Data, PopulateItemCache
[14:26:02]: [Data]: PopulateItemCache, 11, 5
[14:26:40]: [Events]: BAGSYNC_EVENT_GUILDBANK, true
[14:26:40]: [Events]: GuildBank_Open, true
[14:26:46]: [CORE]: DoTimer, GUILDBANKBAGSLOTS_CHANGED, 1, BagSync_Events, GuildBank_Changed
[14:26:46]: [Events]: GuildBank_Changed, true
[14:26:46]: [Data]: CheckGuildDB, Enasanoth, Proudmoore, Arcana Imperii©, azgalor, Proudmoore
[14:26:46]: [Scanner]: SaveGuildBank, FoundGuild, true, 1, 6
[14:26:46]: [Unit]: GetPlayerInfo, Enasanoth, Proudmoore, Alliance, EVOKER, Dracthyr, Arcana Imperii©, azgalor, Azgalor
[14:26:48]: [Unit]: GetPlayerInfo, Enasanoth, Proudmoore, Alliance, EVOKER, Dracthyr, Arcana Imperii©, azgalor, Azgalor
[14:26:48]: [Data]: GetPlayerGuild, Arcana Imperii©, true
[14:26:48]: [Data]: IterateUnits, false, nil
[14:26:48]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [*]  Arcana Imperii, --UNKNOWN--, false, false, Proudmoore
[14:26:48]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [*]  Arcana Imperii, Azgalor, false, false, Proudmoore
[14:26:48]: [Data]: GetPlayerObj, Enasanoth, Proudmoore, true
[14:26:48]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [*]  Arcana Imperii, azgalor, false, false, Proudmoore
[14:26:48]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, 76136, 76136, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 27, WL-OFF
Xruptor commented 3 weeks ago

I added some additional checks to compare realm names. Try this version and let me know if it works.


F-Lambda commented 3 weeks ago

Yep, this one does the trick!

Xruptor commented 3 weeks ago

Ah good, glad I was able to get it resolved.