Xruptor / BagSync

BagSync tracks your characters items and displays it within tooltips.
32 stars 21 forks source link

Recipes not showing #369

Closed crasah closed 3 weeks ago

crasah commented 3 weeks ago

Getting LUA error when trying to view recipes. I've opened each profession's window to scan.

1x BagSync/modules/recipes.lua:105: attempt to call global 'GetSpellInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@BagSync/modules/recipes.lua"]:105: in function `CreateList'
[string "@BagSync/modules/recipes.lua"]:76: in function `ViewRecipes'
[string "@BagSync/modules/professions.lua"]:239: in function `Item_OnClick'
[string "*coreui.xml:134_OnClick"]:2: in function <[string "*coreui.xml:134_OnClick"]:1>

self = <table> {
 modules = <table> {
 defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
 name = "BagSync_Recipes"
 orderedModules = <table> {
 scrollFrame = ScrollFrame {
 enabledState = true
 recipesList = <table> {
 frame = Frame {
 baseName = "BagSync"
 moduleName = "Recipes"
 defaultModuleState = true
data = <table> {
 unitObj = <table> {
 sortIndex = 1
 hasRecipes = true
 colorized = "|TInterface\FriendsFrame\PlusManz-Horde:13:13|t |A:raceicon-troll-male:13:13:0:0|a |TInterface\RaidFrame\ReadyCheck-Ready:0|t |cffaad372Hayvanadam|r"
 skillData = <table> {
 skillID = 165
recipeData = <table> {
(for state) = <table> {
 380 = <table> {
 880 = <table> {
 882 = <table> {
 871 = <table> {
 460 = <table> {
 1334 = <table> {
 878 = <table> {
 876 = <table> {
 379 = <table> {
 1587 = <table> {
(for control) = 380
k = 380
v = <table> {
 name = "Draenor Patterns"
 skillLineMaxLevel = 100
 orderIndex = 5
 recipes = "|330206|330207|330208|330209|330210|176089|171391|171290|171288|171289|171266|171276|171275|171273|171271|171272|171270|171274|171277|171260|171261|171262|171285|171284|171283|171281|171279|171280|171278|171282|171263|171264|171265|171269|171268|171267|171291|178208"
 skillLineCurrentLevel = 100
recipeList = <table> {
 1 = ""
 2 = "330206"
 3 = "330207"
 4 = "330208"
 5 = "330209"
 6 = "330210"
 7 = "176089"
 8 = "171391"
 9 = "171290"
 10 = "171288"
 11 = "171289"
 12 = "171266"
 13 = "171276"
 14 = "171275"
 15 = "171273"
 16 = "171271"
 17 = "171272"
 18 = "171270"
 19 = "171274"
 20 = "171277"
 21 = "171260"
 22 = "171261"
 23 = "171262"
 24 = "171285"
 25 = "171284"
 26 = "171283"
 27 = "171281"
 28 = "171279"
 29 = "171280"
 30 = "171278"
 31 = "171282"
 32 = "171263"
 33 = "171264"
 34 = "171265"
 35 = "171269"
 36 = "171268"
 37 = "171267"
 38 = "171291"
 39 = "178208"
(for index) = 2
(for limit) = 39
(for step) = 1
idx = 2
recipe_info = <table> {
 supportsQualities = false
 disabled = false
 relativeDifficulty = 0
 supportsCraftingStats = false
 firstCraft = false
 learned = false
 skillLineAbilityID = 45090
 icon = 2000841
 isSalvageRecipe = false
 itemLevel = 0
 craftable = true
 name = "Relic of the Past I"
 isEnchantingRecipe = false
 recipeID = 330206
 canCreateMultiple = true
 categoryID = 0
 isGatheringRecipe = false
 isRecraft = false
 isDummyRecipe = false
 hyperlink = "|cffffffff|Hitem:180055::::::::70:253::13:1:3524::::::|h[Relic of the Past I]|h|r"
 hasSingleItemOutput = false
 alwaysUsesLowestQuality = true
 maxTrivialLevel = 0
 canSkillUp = false
 favorite = false
 numSkillUps = 0
recipeName = "330206"
iconTexture = "Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_QuestionMark"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "330206"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetSpellInfo' (a nil value)"
Recipes = <table> {
 modules = <table> {
 defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
 name = "BagSync_Recipes"
 orderedModules = <table> {
 scrollFrame = ScrollFrame {
 enabledState = true
 recipesList = <table> {
 frame = Frame {
 baseName = "BagSync"
 moduleName = "Recipes"
 defaultModuleState = true
L = <table> {
 Tooltip_auction = "Auction"
 FAQ_Question_4 = "Can I view item data from multiple WOW accounts |cFFDF2B2Bcurrently logged in|r?"
 ConfigTrackingModules = "Modules"
 Blacklist = "Blacklist"
 DisplaySorting = "Tooltip Sorting"
 ResetDBInfo = "BagSync:
Are you sure you want to reset the database?
|cFFDF2B2BNOTE: This is irreversible!|r"
 DisplayCR = "Display |cffff7d0a[Connected Realm]|r characters. |cffff7d0a[CR]|r"
 DisplayRealmAstrick = "Display [*] instead of realm names for |cffff7d0a[CR]|r and |cff3587ff[BNet]|r."
 TooltipDetailsInfo = "Item detailed summary."
 DisplayBlacklistCurrentCharOnly = "Display blacklisted item counts for the current chraracter |cFFFFD700ONLY!|r |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r"
 ModValue_NONE = "None (Always Show)"
 DebugWarning = "|cFFDF2B2BWARNING:|R BagSync Debug is currently enabled! |cFFDF2B2B(WILL CAUSE LAG)|r"
 ColorCR = "BagSync [Connected Realm] tooltip color."
 ConfigFontOutline_OUTLINE = "Outline"
 Debug_FINE = "FINE"
Xruptor commented 3 weeks ago

Bah they must have depreciated yet another function call. This is getting old Blizzard......

I'll fix it.