XtheOne / Inverter-Data-Logger

Data logger for Omnik/Hosola and other Solarman Wi-Fi kit powered Solar Inverters
GNU General Public License v3.0
116 stars 28 forks source link

GoodWe 55000DNS the target machine actively refused it #31

Open JamesBacon opened 5 years ago

JamesBacon commented 5 years ago

2019-06-15 11:24:03,779 ERROR Could not open socket 2019-06-15 11:24:03,779 ERROR [Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it 2019-06-15 11:24:03,780 ERROR Error connecting to logger with IP: and SN , trying next logger.

Uksa007 commented 3 years ago

I get similar errors with a Goodwe 5000DNS and 3000XS 2020-10-24 16:32:33,860 INFO connecting to port 8899 2020-10-24 16:32:33,864 ERROR Could not open socket 2020-10-24 16:32:33,865 ERROR [Errno 111] Connection refused 2020-10-24 16:32:33,866 ERROR Error connecting to logger with IP: and SN removed, trying next logger.

Any fix for these loggers?

JamesBacon commented 3 years ago

Figuring out what Wi-Fi kit you have and the Serial Number of it might help you. Documentation says you might find the Wifi Kit S/N on one of the sides of the Inverter and it should be 8 Digits long and start with a 6. I can not find mine but you might have more luck. Then in the Config file add your ip and then your SN. ",60012334" If you figure this out please reply with your S/N as it could be the same for both 55000DNS and 3000XS

ThinkPadNL commented 3 years ago

I would also like to get this working on my 3000XS. Any progress @Uksa007 ?

What i don't understand is how i should interpret the S/N that is talked about in this repository. My Goodwe 3000XS has a serial number like this x3000SSxaaaWxxxx (sanitized, some numbers replaced by 'x'). Are the last 8 characters what i need to fill in when using this script? That part is also in the SSID of the wifi-module (Solar-WiFixxxxxxxx). It starts with a 2 in my case.

I installed the app 'PV Master' but it didn't support my inverter. When i filled in the serial number it said i had to use the 'SolarGo' app. This app found my inverter, but couldn't read it (not supported, only for inverters without display it said). By using Wireshark i saw that the app did a discovery for inverters was done by a broadcast on 48899.

ThinkPadNL commented 3 years ago

Ok, i tried this Python script and it discovered my wifi-module. But it gives me [Errno 111] Connection refused.

Uksa007 commented 3 years ago

I would also like to get this working on my 3000XS. Any progress @Uksa007 ?

I didn't have any luck getting the wifi module to reply on any of the know ports, most of them UDP. Not sure if these modules have the ability to communicate directly.

I ended up using a script to pull the data from the SEMS portal. https://github.com/markruys/gw2pvo

Scampi-ml commented 1 year ago

Using this on a GW5048D-ES

NONE of the following works:

ip + full SN ip + full number from the sticker from the wifi kit ip + last 8 digits starting with a 6 number from the sticker from the wifi kit ip + wifi ssid number