Xtra-Computing / thundergbm

ThunderGBM: Fast GBDTs and Random Forests on GPUs
Apache License 2.0
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use my own data in the thundergbm-predict file #13

Closed lvpinrui closed 5 years ago

lvpinrui commented 5 years ago

My environment is: Windows 10 Visual Studio 2017 Community CMake3.14.0-rc3 CUDA10.1.105 Using test_dataset.txt in the library is successful,but Using my own .txt is failed. ### my config file is: max_depth=6 num_round=40 n_gpus=1 verbosity=0 profiling=0 data=D:\thundergbm\dataset\2.txt max_bin=255 colsample=1 bagging=1 num_parallel_tree=1 eta=1.0 objective=multi:softmax num_class=8 min_child_weight=1 lambda=1 gamma=1 model_out=tgbm.model model_in=D:\thundergbm\build\tgbm.model tree_method=auto Errors output: CUDA error 2 [D:\thundergbm\src\thundergbm\syncmem.cpp, 238]: out of memory waiting for your advice,thank you~!

jiahuanluo commented 5 years ago

Duplicate of https://github.com/Xtra-Computing/thundergbm/issues/14#