Xubuntu / xubuntu-website

Wordpress themes for the Xubuntu website
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Migrate assets to Gutenberg or get Classic Editor plugin installed #2

Open bluesabre opened 4 years ago

bluesabre commented 4 years ago

With the update to WordPress 5.x on the production server, we are now essentially forced to use Gutenberg as the Classic Editor plugin isn't available.

This has some unfortunate side-effects we need to either deal with or get the Classic Editor plugin installed and roll back to that for now.

Things that are broken with Gutenberg: – Can't attach posts to releases on the post edit page

Things that would be convenient to have with Gutenberg: – Upgrade shortcodes (mirrors, downloads, documentation) into blocks – Download page automation (#1782876), which partly intertwines with migrating shortcodes to blocks

Launchpad Details: #LP1825478 Pasi Lallinaho - 2019-04-19 07:43:41 +0000