[ ] Anything that appears in table form should be sortable (ascending+descending) by column
[ ] It might be nice to be able to filter by column too, depending on how much work that'd be
[ ] Sort order and other such details should be persistent at the account level
[ ] Add those little mouse-over question marks at the end of everything and explain the implications of each checkbox, button, etc
[ ] No negative numbers or otherwise nonsensical numbers where they are not allow
[ ] Instances of "0" in the UI, where they represent "unlimited," should say "unlimited" and not "0" which is kinda confusing
[ ] Make most things... smaller. Like, each website in the websites list should take up dramatically less space
[ ] Strip out Hide all of the pay2play features behind a "Premium" drop-down and simplify the UI a bit (e.g. remove all the "NEW" badges)
[ ] Employ a simple lightweight web-based text editor package with mobile support and syntax highlighting for editing config files, rewrite rules, and the like. Can potentially integrate this into the process as well
Strip outHide all of the pay2play features behind a "Premium" drop-down and simplify the UI a bit (e.g. remove all the "NEW" badges)Along with those described above, there's also: