XusinboyBekchanov / VisualFBEditor

IDE for FreeBasic
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Some suggestions for VisualFBEditor #248

Open chunmingwang opened 2 years ago

chunmingwang commented 2 years ago

Recently, I deeply used VisualFBEditor to make a comprehensive application of bass, which feels great! However, compared with Visual Basic, some suggestions for VisualFBEditor are as follows. It would be better if it could be implemented.

  1. The code editor is divided into two areas to facilitate viewing and editing definitions and codes.
  2. After the control editor copies and pastes the control, the property becomes the default value, hoping to retain the style of the control when it is copied.
  3. Control editor edit properties at multiple controls are selected, I want to change the properties for all selected controls.
  4. Tag property in the control cannot be used yet. It is useful sometimes.
  5. Control to add the function of ToolTipText.


XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

Improved: Speed updating of Edit Control (2): https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/commit/b7a0262b4e32982e5487139907882defc046eda8

chunmingwang commented 2 years ago

Before, 改善前代码滚动慢

After, 改善后代码滚动快

Code scrolling speed improved

chunmingwang commented 2 years ago

ToolBar to improve the display of icons in design mode.

XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

Here is a drawing of what works: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/issues/363#issuecomment-1232958631

chunmingwang commented 2 years ago

Then, the code I added or changed later affected my results. Can you help me check it? Thank you. MDIForm.zip

Icons cannot display on form editor. 1661991626354 Icons display is normal on run time. image

chunmingwang commented 2 years ago

report another issue found in this example, the TextBox in the MDIChild form cannot change the Font Color and BackColor, please also help to check it, thank you.

XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

Fixed: Finding Resource file name: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/commit/5229c9d3bdd886b979e97d7fe4db5b86810572ad

Previously, the program only searched the first lines of the main source code to find the name of the resource file. Now searches from the entire main source file. It is also possible to specify the main resource file in the project.

chunmingwang commented 2 years ago

Great, Thanks. It's works.


XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago


XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

Fixed: Set Colors in MDI forms

hustbeef commented 2 years ago

Toolbar not refresh the color after change to Darkmode . image

hustbeef commented 2 years ago

The distance is too big between two button on toolbar in design mode with High DPI screen. Maybe UnscaleX need add to the location X. image

XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

Fixed: Showing ToolBar in Designer and Menu Editor on High DPI

Fixed: BitmapWidth, BitmapHeight, ButtonWidth and ButtonHeight properties of ToolBar on High DPI

chunmingwang commented 2 years ago

Great, Thanks. It's works.

report another issue found in this example, the TextBox in the MDIChild form cannot change the Font Color and BackColor, please also help to check it, thank you.

image image

XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

A very good example.

chunmingwang commented 2 years ago


plesase help to chek this: issue found at following codes

h = SendMessage(FClient, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0)
If h Then SendMessage(h, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)

will not raise MDI child window Destroy event

Private Sub MDIChildType.Form_Destroy(ByRef Sender As Control)
chunmingwang commented 2 years ago

if MDI child windows showing, MDI main window menu's hot key cannot work

XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

Fixed: MDI Childs accelerator: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/MyFbFramework/commit/ee70837f87cc8a42ff40951a2343dc2bf50551d5

chunmingwang commented 2 years ago

Fixed: MDI Childs accelerator: XusinboyBekchanov/MyFbFramework@ee70837

if MDI child windows showing, MDI main window menu's hot key cannot work

It Works, Thanks !

XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

will not raise MDI child window Destroy event

Added: __HIDE_NO_MAIN_FORM_ON_CLOSE__ define: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/MyFbFramework/commit/cc44e0de2c46e56fc2079919ce0f2d08b4f372cf

Now, when closing non-main forms, they are not hidden, but destroyed.

chunmingwang commented 2 years ago


XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

Added: Split functions on Linux: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/commit/8e270b121bf9e4815072db9c581b69f8f93d2fd0

retsyo commented 1 year ago

On the "project properities" windows, if the drop-down list for "optimization level" is clicked, "optimization level" is ticked automatically, and "optimize for fast code", "optimize for small code" and "no oprimization“ are un-ticked

XusinboyBekchanov commented 1 year ago

Added: Checking Optimization level option when Selected from Optimization level Dropdown in Project Properties: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/commit/014c39008ff59fa4bd026cec1fb3dbdceb60322c

retsyo commented 1 year ago

suggestion: disable "project" menu if there is no project opened or once all projects have been closed.

current: click "project"-"project properites"-"ok". but I can't close the "project properites" window. at last I find that this happens when I have not opened any project.

And maybe Edit/Search/View/Project/Build/Debug/Run all should be disabled/enabled according to context

retsyo commented 1 year ago

on "service"-"ComWrapperBuilder"

  1. when I click "service"-"comWrapperBuilder", a dailog appears

  2. I know nothing about the underneath of COM. Can your "ComWrapperBuilder" use VB control without registration just like the article(https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6446334708 and https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39915505/article/details/111179809 sorry, In Chinese. But google/deepl can translate it) does for ecGraph3D?

  3. can, sorry this actually a question on freebasic, a COM control be packed into the finnal EXE. The the EXE load COM control from disk, and use it without registration? Just like https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6446334708 and https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39915505/article/details/111179809 says?


retsyo commented 1 year ago

let user set where to find LLVM/llc

on my windows if I set fbc64.exe in service/options as E:\prg\BASIC\fb\FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win64\fbc.exe then VisualFBEditor try to use E:\prg\BASIC\fb\FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win64\bin\win64\llc.exe even I have set enviroment PATH for llc.exe

so I suggest that user can set where to find LLVM/llc, for example LLVMbin path. If E:\prg\BASIC\fb\FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win64\bin\win64\llc.exe does not exists, then VisualFBEditor try to find llc.exe in LLVMbin, PATH.

XusinboyBekchanov commented 1 year ago
  1. when I click "service"-"comWrapperBuilder", a dailog appears

To use this Tool, the SimpleVariantPlus.bi file must be included in one of the project files.

XusinboyBekchanov commented 1 year ago

suggestion: disable "project" menu if there is no project opened or once all projects have been closed.

current: click "project"-"project properites"-"ok". but I can't close the "project properites" window. at last I find that this happens when I have not opened any project.

And maybe Edit/Search/View/Project/Build/Debug/Run all should be disabled/enabled according to context

Improved: Enabling and disabling menu and toolbar items: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/commit/76041b9df392debaad0c3f4f04f7ea153f49b1b0

Fixed: ToolBar Enabled property: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/MyFbFramework/commit/6712a30642ce1041bc707dd2f7c953f471d6427f

chunmingwang commented 1 year ago

Dragging and dropping file or files into VFBE Recommended to perform different opening actions according to different filename extension Just like the Open (Ctrl+O) function in the current menu

for example .vfs is now opened as a Text, it is recommended to open it as a Session .vfp is now opened as a Text, it is recommended to open it as a Project

XusinboyBekchanov commented 1 year ago

Fixed: Drop files with extensions .vfp, .vfs to IDE: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/commit/f5fac054d1c2a4084d5979beff932580cf677354

chunmingwang commented 1 year ago

Fixed: Drop files with extensions .vfp, .vfs to IDE: f5fac05
