XusinboyBekchanov / VisualFBEditor

IDE for FreeBasic
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IDE crashes in Linux #384

Closed demosthenesk closed 2 years ago

demosthenesk commented 2 years ago

1) Run VisualFBEditor64_gtk3 2) Open Test project 3) Double click test.bas to open in code editor 4) IDE crashes VFBE_Test.zip

hustbeef commented 2 years ago

Try add the code "End" to the last line.

demosthenesk commented 2 years ago

Try add the code "End" to the last line.

END (statement) is used to exit the program, and return to the operating system. An optional integer return value can be specified to indicate an error code to the system. If no return value is given, a value of 0 is automatically returned at the end of the program.

Usage of this statement does not cleanly close scope. Local variables will not have their destructors called automatically, because FreeBASIC does not do stack unwinding. Only the destructors of global variables will be called in this case.

For this reason, it is discouraged to use End simply to mark the end of a program; the program will come to an end automatically, and in a cleaner fashion, when the last line of module-level code has executed.

XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

IDE crashes

I tried several times, it didn't happen. Can you post the result of gdb like last time?

demosthenesk commented 2 years ago

Thread 1 "VisualFBEditor6" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00000000005fbaee in MY::SYS::FORMS::TABCONTROL::TABget(long) ()

XusinboyBekchanov commented 2 years ago

Fixed: Opening files on Linux: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/commit/c1b783d574d720eed02a5a92bc25176d05694548

demosthenesk commented 2 years ago

ok fixed!