XusinboyBekchanov / VisualFBEditor

IDE for FreeBasic
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Comment - uncomment removes all ' chars #81

Closed rexxitall closed 3 years ago

rexxitall commented 3 years ago

On coment and uncoment the IDE removes all simple >>' <<< chars Only the first ones has to be removed on each run

let us disable temporary some code: Result:

'sub xyz ''comment from the function 'end sub

let us reactivate the code it should look like: (like in VBA and VB6) sub xyz 'comment end sub

the IDE result: - now you can recomment everything again sub xyz comment <----- :( end sub

XusinboyBekchanov commented 3 years ago

In my opinion, you pressed uncomment twice

rexxitall commented 3 years ago

on each press just remove ONE " ' " not all :) Try it , coment a codeblock which alreday has comments and then uncomment. ALL " ' " are now gone

XusinboyBekchanov commented 3 years ago

It works fine for me. Can you send video proof?

demosthenesk commented 3 years ago

Comments work fine in my case. Uncomment command button, uncomment ONE ' This issue in my opinion can be closed.

XusinboyBekchanov commented 3 years ago

Yes, right