Xwilarg / NHentaiDownloader

A browser extension to download doujinshi from NHentai
MIT License
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Bad download performances #19

Closed Xwilarg closed 2 years ago

Xwilarg commented 2 years ago

Discussed in https://github.com/Xwilarg/NHentaiDownloader/discussions/18

Originally posted by **tylerthafudd** August 29, 2021 is there a way to increase the download speed of your program because it seems it be downloading at a rate of 1/2 mbps but my internet can support up to 14 mbps. even after 2 hours of downloading i can only seem to get 1 page out of 40. at this rate its going to be days before its done. by page i mean the 25 doujin that are loaded when searching for a tag.i tried deleting the nhentai's cookies but to no avail unless my IP has been flagged the only thing i could think of it may be the program having some sort low internal download speed. some user control over the download rate would be greatly apricated.
tylerthafudd commented 2 years ago

after not downloading all day when i started it back up i was able to download 3 pages after 30 minuets it seems to be running faster. the download speed also seems to yo-yo between taking a full second to download a single image to getting through 5 with in that time.

Xwilarg commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure why it's doing that but I began a redesign of the whole code, hopefully this will help. If it don't, maybe I'll introduce a feature where the user can start a backend and the download will be done from there

Xwilarg commented 2 years ago

Hey, I rewrote the code of the extension, could you tell me if that improved the performances on your side? If not I have the plan to do the backend thing but I'll need some time to add them

tylerthafudd commented 2 years ago

sorry it to so long to respond but the new version is fully utilizing my internet speed. honestly im hitting download speeds i thought impossible. using the multiple download nets the same performance as the default feature . i imagined the multiple download would work by downloading multiple files at once instead just splitting each doujin into its own separate zip. i miss the download all option cause now after each page after searching for a tag i got to the start the next one a couple minuets afterwords and then again and again and again making searching for tags with more than 200 doujin take much longer then the older versions. other than that it works great.

Xwilarg commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, I'll add an option so multiple download can get them all at once instead of waiting.

I'm however not sure to understand what you mean with the "download all" option.

tylerthafudd commented 2 years ago

in the older version you could spedfy down pages 1-900 when searching for a tag or 40-45

Xwilarg commented 2 years ago

Are you speaking about this options? image It's still there for me

tylerthafudd commented 2 years ago

let me turn off add blocker and clear some cookies see if that helps yeah it was add blocker my bad ill update you on the performance after a full day of downloading. it usually starts slowing down on average after awhile of downloading. (update) after awhile of downloading it seems to slow down like before with a speed of 2-4 mbps compared to a high of 20 mbps when i first began downloading. i wonder if the site just slows down the download speed after a certain amount of data has be downloaded.(edit) when i was getting that 2-4 mbps i had "Download each file separately turned off for an hour .switched on the "Download each file separately" feature for an hour and is now getting 12-20 mbps on average again. honestly i should have tested the difference for longer earlier

Xwilarg commented 2 years ago

Closing the issue since this is fixed