Xwilarg / NHentaiDownloader

A browser extension to download doujinshi from NHentai
MIT License
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download all issues #7

Open anon0099 opened 3 years ago

anon0099 commented 3 years ago

when trying to (download all) with the tag (english) theirs a problem that happens constantly that stops the zipping from finishing the main problem seems to be when 1 page requires more than 1.99gb to be zipped and it stops you from leaving the program to run because after it gets to a page with more than 2gb on it the program will eventually crash and need to be restarted in the extensions tab

how to recreate the bug first find a page with more than 2gbs of data then try the download all button and wait for it to try zipping the download it will never finish zipping and get to the downloading part this will after a undetermined amount of time crash the extension

i hope this is helpful to everyone else id like to finish my complete backup of nhentai before the busy bodies try and get them dehosted the book burners would like nothing more than to get rid of all pornography id like to not let that happen so if anyone has the time to fix this bug id appreciate your help with this

Chrome Version: Version 88.0.4324.190 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Xwilarg commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the bug report, could you please tell me what error message you got and on what page you encountered the issue?

anon0099 commented 3 years ago

I didn't get one it just never finishes zipping the page and after a few hours or more chrome tells me the extension crashed and needs to be reset so I didn't get an error message sorry ill try and find a specific page to recreate the bug for you

Xwilarg commented 3 years ago

Sure, no need to be sorry about that. Please tell me if you can manage to find a page that can reproduce it, I'll also investigate on my side.

anon0099 commented 3 years ago


try this page its been stuck on downloading xlayers - lina and Gaudy, please wait

i started this download 1 page back on 1654 4 hours ago and its still not any closer to finishing the downloading hope this info helps cheers and thanks for your work on this extension i appreciate your work

Xwilarg commented 3 years ago

I'll try to see if I can manage to reproduce the issue but meanwhile please know that you can restart your download from a specific page image