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Add offline maps server to air-gapped.yml #20

Open jonwelch28323 opened 1 week ago

jonwelch28323 commented 1 week ago

maps: depends_on: es01: condition: service_healthy image: docker.elastic.co/elastic-maps-service/elastic-maps-server-ubi8:8.14.3 container_name: maps restart: always ports:

allamiro commented 1 week ago


Hey, I fixed the indentation. If you're not planning on making a pull request, I'll gladly add it to my fork. Just giving you a heads up! 😄

I havent yet reviewed it though!

  image: docker.elastic.co/elastic-maps-service/elastic-maps-server-ubi8:8.14.3
  container_name: maps
  restart: always
    - 8088:8080
    - certs:/usr/src/app/server/certs
    - certs:/etc/ssl/certs
    - ./config/elastic-maps-server.yml:/usr/src/app/server/config/elastic-maps-server.yml
    - ./maps/planet.mbtiles:/usr/src/app/data/planet.mbtiles
jonwelch28323 commented 1 week ago

Absolutely, please use it. I wasn't planning to do a pull request. Also for pulling the server I start the container and download the maps that I need and save them in the volume directory.
