YAMJ / yamj-v2

Yet Another Movie Jukebox (YAMJ) v2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Weird Files Generated During People Scrape #2672

Closed Omertron closed 9 years ago

Omertron commented 9 years ago

Original issue 2675 created by Omertron on 2013-09-17T15:19:56.000Z:

I am running 2.10-SNAPSHOT r3733.

I have no problem scraping people info, but I am getting the same weird file name. This was also happening with YAMJ 2.9 r3727.

Every time I do a people scrape, it always finds one person named $3Cimg src=$22http.

If this person has a photo available, it is placed in the People folder as $3Cimg src=$22http.jpg, along with an $3Cimg src=$22http.xml file. If not, I get the XML file only. The photo is an actual person, and the XML file has real data for this same person except that:

The <title> tag is set to: //ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BNTI3MDM3NzkxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjE3MzYyMQ@@._V1._SX23_SY30_.jpg" width="23" height="32" border="0">
The <basefilename> tag is set to: $3Cimg src=$22http

Everything else appears normal.

On my most recent run (yesterday) I also got two additional files in my Jukebox directory:

Person_$3Cimg src=$22http_1.xml and

Director_$3Cimg src=$22http$3A$2F$2Fia.media-imdb.com$2Fimages$2FM$2FMV5BNTI3MDM3NzkxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjE3MzYyMQ@@._V1._SX​23SY30.jpg$22 width=$2223$22 height=$2232$22 border=$220$22$3E_1.xml.

Both of these contain reasonable data, and clearly relate to the XML file in the People directory.

The last two or three runs have also produced another similar set of weird files, except that these are: -1.jpg and -1.xml in the People directory, and Person_-11.xml, Director-11.xml, and Writer-1_1.xml in the Jukebox directory. These have appeared for the last two or three person scrapes.

Again, these all contain reasonable info about the same person, except that their <title> and <basefilename> tags are both set to -1.

Hope this helps narrow down the problem (or problems – these might be two different issues).

Omertron commented 9 years ago

Comment #1 originally posted by Omertron on 2013-09-17T20:17:58.000Z:

This issue was closed by revision r3740.