YAMJ / yamj-v2

Yet Another Movie Jukebox (YAMJ) v2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Box Set Page Won't Open #2773

Closed Kickarz closed 8 years ago

Kickarz commented 8 years ago

Hello, I followed the NFO file method outlined in the wiki to group my movies into a sets EG:

    <set>Alien Collection</set>

However when YAMJ compiles the jukebox menus, it replaces any space characters in the set name with a %20 when defining the var xon= in all menu html. This returns an error when select a box set with my PCH-C200.

So instead of...

var xon= [
   "A Million Ways to Die in the West","A Time to Kill","A-Team","Set_Alien Collection_1","...etc..."];

I get...

var xon= [
   "A Million Ways to Die in the West","A Time to Kill","A-Team","Set_Alien%20Collection_1","...etc..."];

Manually editing each index html to remove the %20 the saving will fix these menu pages but only until I update the menus (which is quite often).

Does anyone have any thoughts on why I might try to resolve this?

Thanks so much!

Omertron commented 8 years ago

Can you try adding this line to the top of your NFO file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Also, make sure the file is saved in UTF-8 format (using notepad++)

Kickarz commented 8 years ago

Hi Omertron,

I did as you suggested and YAMJ is still replacing the space characters with a %20. Every individual (not part of a set) movie name keeps their space characters intact, it just seems to be the box set names which are affected.

Really appreciate any other suggestions?

Omertron commented 8 years ago

I don't recognise the tag, can you post the rest of the xml?

Kickarz commented 8 years ago

Hi Omertron, As it turns out the problem was cause by me as I attempted to modify Excal's Redefined skin. I have now gone back to using the unadulterated skin and everything is working as it should. I guess if it's not broken - don't fix it! Thank you again for your suggestions and patience, I'll do my best to leave well enough alone. Cheers.

Omertron commented 8 years ago

It's always worth a try to modify something to your liking. Keep trying, you probably just did a small error, as long as you are able to roll back, it will be fine :)