YARC-Official / YARG

YARG (a.k.a. Yet Another Rhythm Game) is a free, open-source, plastic guitar game that is still in development. It supports guitar (five fret), drums (plastic or e-kit), vocals, pro-guitar, and more!
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
746 stars 167 forks source link

Star power not given for hit phrases #894

Open Yuuki795 opened 1 month ago

Yuuki795 commented 1 month ago

When playing on Pro Drums some star power phrases are not counted as hit even though all notes are hit and no combo is lost. It also does not show the phrase as hit in the stats section at the end of the song. Below is a video of it happening, Bots don't seem to be affected. 2:15 in the video is the first occurrence.

(Video too big for Git) Video: https://youtu.be/ASpZ7syva_s