Can you help me write some Linux code for the following function, please?
in Linux bash: ‘Function to find the top 3 memory processes (using the most usage of memory), and to be displayed in descending order. So, the too/1st memory using process/es, then the 2nd highest and then the 3rd highest’
Good morning! I'd be happy to help you write a Bash function that finds the top 3 processes using the most memory on a Linux system. We can achieve this using the ps command, which provides a snapshot of current processes, combined with sorting and selecting the top results.
Here's a Bash function that accomplishes this task:
# Function to find the top 3 memory-consuming processes
find_top_memory_processes() {
echo "Top 3 memory-consuming processes:"
# Use ps to get processes sorted by memory usage
ps aux --sort=-%mem | awk 'NR==1 || NR<=4 {printf "%-10s %-8s %-8s %-8s %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $11}'
# Explanation of commands:
# ps aux : List all processes with detailed information
# --sort=-%mem : Sort the output by memory usage in descending order
# awk 'NR==1 ...' : Use awk to format and filter the output
# NR==1 : Print the header (first row)
# NR<=4 : Print the top 3 processes (plus the header)
# printf ... : Format the output to display relevant columns
# Call the function
Good morning!
Can you help me write some Linux code for the following function, please?
Good morning! I'd be happy to help you write a Bash function that finds the top 3 processes using the most memory on a Linux system. We can achieve this using the ps command, which provides a snapshot of current processes, combined with sorting and selecting the top results.
Here's a Bash function that accomplishes this task: