YCAyca / 3D-Multi-Object-Tracking-using-Lidar

A 3D Multi Object Tracking using Lidar
31 stars 5 forks source link

TypeError: draw_scenes() got an unexpected keyword argument 'track_ids' #5

Open magn0-lia opened 11 months ago

magn0-lia commented 11 months ago

Hi ! After building OpenPCDet and training Pointrcnn on the full Kitti Dataset, I'm trying to test the tracking portion of your work on a subset of the MOT Kitti set ( 0000 / 00001 of calib/label_02/oxts/image_02/velodyne), but I'm coming across this error.

 File "tracking.py", line 972, in <module>
  File "tracking.py", line 870, in main
    trackers = mot_trackers[tracking_name].update(dets_all[tracking_name], 'm', 0.4, match_algorithm ='greedy',tracking_log=track_log, points=data_dict['points'][:, 1:], filename=dataset[idx]["frame_name"]) #0.1
  File "tracking.py", line 426, in update
TypeError: draw_scenes() got an unexpected keyword argument 'track_ids'
free(): double free detected in tcache 2
Aborted (core dumped)

The full bash log is linked bellow

python tracking.py  --ckpt ../output/kitti_models/pointrcnn/default/ckpt/latest_model.pth --base_path ../../tracking_test/ --visualize --mode show
/home/OpenPCDet/tools/kitti_oxts.py:7: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See https:/numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/deprecation.html#deprecation-of-object-mode-fall-back-behaviour-when-using-jit for details.
  def rotx(t):
/home/OpenPCDet/tools/kitti_oxts.py:16: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See https:/numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/deprecation.html#deprecation-of-object-mode-fall-back-behaviour-when-using-jit for details.
  def roty(t):
/home/OpenPCDet/tools/kitti_oxts.py:25: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See https:/numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/deprecation.html#deprecation-of-object-mode-fall-back-behaviour-when-using-jit for details.
  def rotz(t):
/home/OpenPCDet/tools/kitti_oxts.py:33: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See https:/numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/deprecation.html#deprecation-of-object-mode-fall-back-behaviour-when-using-jit for details.
  def transform_from_rot_trans(R, t):
/home/OpenPCDet/tools/kitti_oxts.py:40: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See https:/numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/deprecation.html#deprecation-of-object-mode-fall-back-behaviour-when-using-jit for details.
  def _poses_from_oxts(oxts_packets):
tracking.py:49: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See https:/numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/deprecation.html#deprecation-of-object-mode-fall-back-behaviour-when-using-jit for details.
  def poly_area(x,y):
tracking.py:53: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See https:/numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/deprecation.html#deprecation-of-object-mode-fall-back-behaviour-when-using-jit for details.
  def box3d_vol(corners):
tracking.py:105: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See https:/numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/deprecation.html#deprecation-of-object-mode-fall-back-behaviour-when-using-jit for details.
  def convex_hull_intersection(p1, p2):
2023-10-02 17:44:49,421   INFO  ----------------- Tracking Starts-------------------------
Tracking begins for the sequence:  0001
2023-10-02 17:44:51,330   INFO  ==> Loading parameters from checkpoint ../output/kitti_models/pointrcnn/default/ckpt/latest_model.pth to CPU
2023-10-02 17:44:51,346   INFO  ==> Checkpoint trained from version: pcdet+0.6.0+255db8f
2023-10-02 17:44:51,355   INFO  ==> Done (loaded 309/309)
2023-10-02 17:44:51,363   INFO  Total number of samples:        147
VF, VL, wZ frame 0 -0.0088192289093878 0.00077803875447586 -0.00022224294618844
VF, VL, wZ frame 1 -0.010051938234564 0.00079369825148012 -0.0011732814600573
VF, VL, wZ frame 2 -0.0095442405263593 0.00093578483437626 -6.8314569551226e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 3 -0.0092221684879478 0.00085078751775298 0.0010708806408213
VF, VL, wZ frame 4 -0.0097603576212781 0.0010913640869113 -0.00010751220502192
VF, VL, wZ frame 5 -0.0094330452518156 0.00085325692843103 0.00037395259865022
VF, VL, wZ frame 6 -0.0083202673436701 0.0012129769258797 -0.00091036694577392
VF, VL, wZ frame 7 -0.0085991370906723 0.0013133258605371 0.00099874059703726
VF, VL, wZ frame 8 -0.0083540653265016 0.0014820839892133 7.1650036186231e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 9 -0.0073417206544787 0.0015654611443504 -0.00026010850608226
VF, VL, wZ frame 10 -0.0068943671950184 0.001199616304526 -0.00094510208200856
VF, VL, wZ frame 11 -0.0065880771394697 0.0010212336099606 9.6750753371667e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 12 -0.0051520624950356 0.00052170855500111 0.00026123144808825
VF, VL, wZ frame 13 -0.0042817832084153 0.00047492195388673 -0.00094991335595949
VF, VL, wZ frame 14 -0.0042316428600547 0.00036404901928747 -0.00091441344875322
VF, VL, wZ frame 15 -0.0035548879489272 0.00045299083287424 3.6239813125078e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 16 -0.0031057076374058 0.00012860030568585 0.000337496276248
VF, VL, wZ frame 17 -0.0030823198865338 4.7882657336314e-05 0.00012739815288407
VF, VL, wZ frame 18 -0.003012238149805 9.7082905983037e-05 0.00048704989627356
VF, VL, wZ frame 19 -0.0025859610628451 0.00028250381907388 8.6285542323653e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 20 -0.0028604319320067 6.8879736632761e-05 0.00011268840684331
VF, VL, wZ frame 21 -0.0030762841920592 0.00036294799505712 9.4193893989849e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 22 -0.0032794820622009 0.00067136441841084 8.0273726721206e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 23 -0.0036213896877586 0.00090299565744377 0.00023395838849433
VF, VL, wZ frame 24 -0.0041950693767807 0.0015149106124661 0.00044058893738034
VF, VL, wZ frame 25 -0.0052129064253456 0.0019427808764715 0.00029916638546237
VF, VL, wZ frame 26 -0.0056590783849609 0.0025247849657463 2.291614010299e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 27 -0.0064112950280206 0.0027132893658681 0.00029075890949711
VF, VL, wZ frame 28 -0.0069753332342615 0.0035342144276531 -0.00012654787860024
VF, VL, wZ frame 29 -0.0073291075932875 0.0040742246648758 -0.00061179079152751
VF, VL, wZ frame 30 -0.0074684733451121 0.0043681771557196 -0.0012631560526214
VF, VL, wZ frame 31 -0.007207772173703 0.0046029188185307 0.00074749947374057
VF, VL, wZ frame 32 -0.0069195119073691 0.0045397564169562 -0.00010037551459597
VF, VL, wZ frame 33 -0.006703743817371 0.0047697383758667 0.00092832663044592
VF, VL, wZ frame 34 -0.0066925658696109 0.0048770725815937 0.00034755062472138
VF, VL, wZ frame 35 -0.0065419205938137 0.0051011426261439 -0.00063776992062059
VF, VL, wZ frame 36 -0.0068643195874131 0.0051794413244936 -0.00010952057996821
VF, VL, wZ frame 37 -0.0073910890155064 0.005652194508216 0.00051857733951087
VF, VL, wZ frame 38 -0.0080254806232984 0.0059811052003007 -8.2498920441259e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 39 -0.0085448801951956 0.0064582012773021 -0.00011526793866205
VF, VL, wZ frame 40 -0.0094273132346327 0.0066411846552058 0.00019739808805023
VF, VL, wZ frame 41 -0.010161379843191 0.0068872174951007 -0.00037147882748226
VF, VL, wZ frame 42 -0.011073543640064 0.0070837177827613 9.5553251454004e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 43 -0.012028715464361 0.0071298647155728 0.00015292110132736
VF, VL, wZ frame 44 -0.012805096586525 0.0076483028833081 -0.00018007291196701
VF, VL, wZ frame 45 -0.013743112340622 0.007680878305886 -0.00010735177610731
VF, VL, wZ frame 46 -0.014401899425302 0.0077828048297277 0.00040150938305597
VF, VL, wZ frame 47 -0.015164435005257 0.0076152133169263 6.6037090448581e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 48 -0.015480721454459 0.0077853617017263 4.6179367709803e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 49 -0.016459651156714 0.0077048844194058 -0.00046863324346992
VF, VL, wZ frame 50 -0.017497976374673 0.007877477672435 -3.5265802436332e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 51 -0.018069525834626 0.0081285536005597 -0.00065433326687686
VF, VL, wZ frame 52 -0.018762631741805 0.0067074941461512 -0.00062367799799128
VF, VL, wZ frame 53 -0.020604390135399 0.0070384028693589 -0.00029263564731247
VF, VL, wZ frame 54 -0.021217060829258 0.0079549827194163 -9.4189986108184e-06
VF, VL, wZ frame 55 -0.021215125729739 0.0069015382200712 -0.00052340935564521
VF, VL, wZ frame 56 -0.021979342962568 0.0054673549818687 -0.00064264268185395
VF, VL, wZ frame 57 -0.023913881229624 0.0059350121868549 0.0010075504702352
VF, VL, wZ frame 58 -0.023587219986676 0.007771178303886 0.00054071726436668
VF, VL, wZ frame 59 -0.022663446041312 0.0068428001967301 4.7322905881439e-06
VF, VL, wZ frame 60 -0.023821625153671 0.0048394345479109 -0.00039393605595595
VF, VL, wZ frame 61 -0.024835893233864 0.0056936323217898 -0.00056558831891175
VF, VL, wZ frame 62 -0.023685940345162 0.0070631925186349 0.0002930350041218
VF, VL, wZ frame 63 -0.02347106812323 0.0062479633704609 0.00038991400887844
VF, VL, wZ frame 64 -0.025230167321451 0.0059709907254127 -0.0003647056054588
VF, VL, wZ frame 65 -0.024763651841283 0.0063502026234231 -0.00027567476094351
VF, VL, wZ frame 66 -0.02335766313878 0.0050890325308234 -0.0010484397453314
VF, VL, wZ frame 67 -0.02518391061859 0.0045652210329257 -0.00044258678478371
VF, VL, wZ frame 68 -0.024328182750841 0.0059274235703391 0.00020060071084108
VF, VL, wZ frame 69 -0.021988186641549 0.0060223909878256 5.9338134076887e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 70 -0.022553706887295 0.0044298811068403 -0.00046624696347576
VF, VL, wZ frame 71 -0.022745855458455 0.0039103447226289 -0.00093847802274654
VF, VL, wZ frame 72 -0.020411922177273 0.0052163170509066 -0.00061968006221155
VF, VL, wZ frame 73 -0.020614724953956 0.0053660092030407 0.00030671159620438
VF, VL, wZ frame 74 -0.021663249869603 0.0042330163867532 -0.00040589359206584
VF, VL, wZ frame 75 -0.019985713815248 0.0038640232425874 -0.001219258399947
VF, VL, wZ frame 76 -0.01891119053439 0.0046180730535097 -0.00063651940300764
VF, VL, wZ frame 77 -0.019456849792331 0.0051991926226182 0.00015360745076454
VF, VL, wZ frame 78 -0.018455572685502 0.0043564846916335 -0.00020690379491121
VF, VL, wZ frame 79 -0.01584352603784 0.0036559452837014 -0.00021760805506798
VF, VL, wZ frame 80 -0.016385820957597 0.003830237345425 -6.8353824511431e-06
VF, VL, wZ frame 81 -0.015929268030845 0.0044445899219907 0.00017481039964579
VF, VL, wZ frame 82 -0.014131411519638 0.0042576573067699 -0.000167298407787
VF, VL, wZ frame 83 -0.014000700035866 0.0029396876197277 -1.383308419049e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 84 -0.01360636004132 0.0025386687215895 0.00015455164953204
VF, VL, wZ frame 85 -0.013587076870418 0.0042276569068983 0.00037927100854459
VF, VL, wZ frame 86 -0.012683852800118 0.003614703166648 0.00033649448361329
VF, VL, wZ frame 87 -0.01259965973155 0.0021086053039705 -0.00021830400354944
VF, VL, wZ frame 88 -0.012439706936148 0.0019038864911666 0.0002279181780921
VF, VL, wZ frame 89 -0.011893352683981 0.0024238830942171 -1.8807119903439e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 90 -0.012007440183312 0.0018589977107321 -0.0010617375954078
VF, VL, wZ frame 91 -0.011387659336413 0.00085436059786081 -0.00033021933441688
VF, VL, wZ frame 92 -0.010556038818391 0.0013337673189368 2.6695509036909e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 93 -0.011266484646543 0.0016280332158242 -0.00018372074102539
VF, VL, wZ frame 94 -0.0097911394581188 0.00085690559969183 -0.00030496483642806
VF, VL, wZ frame 95 -0.0084317680457935 1.5339570943079e-05 -0.00060759083245159
VF, VL, wZ frame 96 -0.0087268759007469 -7.6445080543074e-05 -2.9873667867776e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 97 -0.0090759789559195 0.0006403786578419 -0.00015975905340563
VF, VL, wZ frame 98 -0.0074278485980274 -0.0010594128896841 -0.00027098660209745
VF, VL, wZ frame 99 -0.0069718844552107 -0.00056988156065706 -3.6683800737533e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 100 -0.0077018115454135 -0.0002010759387478 0.00097308493669686
VF, VL, wZ frame 101 -0.0070196251738108 -0.00022664821581901 -6.3332572979311e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 102 -0.0067908009598622 -0.00057002236995933 -0.00015857331849387
VF, VL, wZ frame 103 -0.007670207880796 4.6421524691511e-05 -0.0012095673577663
VF, VL, wZ frame 104 -0.0071776320845583 5.2183855200038e-05 0.00065670017485399
VF, VL, wZ frame 105 -0.0054267738124146 -0.0008284077559728 0.00015695526143391
VF, VL, wZ frame 106 -0.0061510769406161 -0.00028229715533114 -0.00044978278143456
VF, VL, wZ frame 107 -0.0052713223594801 0.00048239210170226 0.00048611443834969
VF, VL, wZ frame 108 -0.004148597249645 -2.6782894361672e-05 0.00048093642048636
VF, VL, wZ frame 109 -0.0041347234151667 0.00010246161051476 0.0003152217005218
VF, VL, wZ frame 110 -0.003874870429236 0.0011157787808093 -0.0004692297653511
VF, VL, wZ frame 111 -0.0030113199422721 0.001197520436555 0.0003817797273884
VF, VL, wZ frame 112 -0.0026467041012347 0.00094675364414752 0.00058551005206719
VF, VL, wZ frame 113 -0.0023416454444518 0.00085375109113163 -0.00019603371726336
VF, VL, wZ frame 114 -0.0012566188517139 0.0015895831811275 -0.0004181990873612
VF, VL, wZ frame 115 -0.00052595829682197 0.00095003712590427 -0.00055595448541434
VF, VL, wZ frame 116 0.0002610362147846 0.0011321852053023 -0.0007668326152485
VF, VL, wZ frame 117 0.0016928045659791 0.0011627892235209 -0.00034082123080606
VF, VL, wZ frame 118 0.0032265653951622 0.00087695499740368 -0.00016191875121083
VF, VL, wZ frame 119 0.0041662832532293 0.0003348228853278 -0.00066088939300218
VF, VL, wZ frame 120 0.0052467652873929 -0.00022660277280595 -0.000505538068275
VF, VL, wZ frame 121 0.0067952195865254 -0.0003284655390071 -0.00035801675083526
VF, VL, wZ frame 122 0.0077634426198956 -0.0011055972909902 -0.00058469312022237
VF, VL, wZ frame 123 0.0086806903130875 -0.0015954350159079 -0.00037277914325463
VF, VL, wZ frame 124 0.0098951164069345 -0.0018704050152702 -0.00055887189669195
VF, VL, wZ frame 125 0.010284450455573 -0.0024478944537492 0.00022325728290647
VF, VL, wZ frame 126 0.012389333112056 -0.0038002225843923 0.00049554598997265
VF, VL, wZ frame 127 0.012070486849596 -0.0027943347813619 0.00040540224361451
VF, VL, wZ frame 128 0.012317064258301 -0.0031390051672683 -0.00066799157540913
VF, VL, wZ frame 129 0.013642107731933 -0.0037623097891853 -0.00093273094693432
VF, VL, wZ frame 130 0.013668461005495 -0.0037700982684727 -0.00038301209001621
VF, VL, wZ frame 131 0.013904238312784 -0.0042474031204065 -0.00012798546301352
VF, VL, wZ frame 132 0.014231367867013 -0.0056356327875742 -0.00049220107273328
VF, VL, wZ frame 133 0.013719277177355 -0.0057044998312409 -1.9046739676136e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 134 0.014046637423311 -0.0056962924594646 5.6873944845547e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 135 0.015230969249851 -0.0078418360076369 5.3309355050087e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 136 0.01466177587573 -0.0082559084100443 -0.00024832461443722
VF, VL, wZ frame 137 0.015052053678911 -0.0084652108199419 -0.00037601046427936
VF, VL, wZ frame 138 0.014975180269257 -0.0090654662988262 -0.00057583138030905
VF, VL, wZ frame 139 0.014130026575282 -0.010219927680313 0.00036840417058949
VF, VL, wZ frame 140 0.014965926929621 -0.0094526508618312 4.9904107949668e-05
VF, VL, wZ frame 141 0.014711390220437 -0.010533167672184 -0.00072852368988912
VF, VL, wZ frame 142 0.013328938098937 -0.011479454102092 0.00056748698541333
VF, VL, wZ frame 143 0.020379861546676 -0.011858929391193 -0.00077251822797495
VF, VL, wZ frame 144 0.024247137218339 -0.011146960763693 -0.00031767943181867
VF, VL, wZ frame 145 0.015453351874434 -0.0113436218823 0.000493491823053
VF, VL, wZ frame 146 0.0083015178536899 -0.012098405125402 0.00052951728237933
2023-10-02 17:44:51,372   INFO  Visualized sample name 000000.bin: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tracking.py", line 972, in <module>
  File "tracking.py", line 870, in main
    trackers = mot_trackers[tracking_name].update(dets_all[tracking_name], 'm', 0.4, match_algorithm ='greedy',tracking_log=track_log, points=data_dict['points'][:, 1:], filename=dataset[idx]["frame_name"]) #0.1
  File "tracking.py", line 426, in update
TypeError: draw_scenes() got an unexpected keyword argument 'track_ids'
free(): double free detected in tcache 2
Aborted (core dumped)

I would assume that the issue is with something I may have done but I tried my best to not alter the code as I'm using it to learn about the topic at hand ! Thank you very much for your time and efforts, if there is anything I can do to further explain my issue let me know !