YCPCS-481-TeamB / BaseballSim

CS481 Group Project
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Kyle Meyers Issue of Wonderful Awesomeness #1

Open kyleMeyers opened 8 years ago

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Added code to the FieldController

Added code to fields.js and fields in database

Fixed merging issues between Eclipse and Git Shell/ Webstorm

Created all 3 milestones and issues for each. With help from other members of the group

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Started the Android development by adding the repository for it

Updated the Backend to test locally on a physical device

Update the backend to work with GoogleApp Endpoints

Helped Scott work on the stats algorithm

See The Android Project for the links to work^^^^^

Opened Issue to use our current backend with android Closed Issue to test the different methods of backend in android

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Started getting a backend working with Heroku and start a UI to show the information stored in our backend. Still a work in progress

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Added baseplate UIs for the other fields: field, team, league, schedule, player, game.


Helped with HTTP communication

Opened Issue Authentication with the Backend

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

TeamActivity will now show the teams from the database

FieldActivity will now show the fields from the db once they are created

LeagueActivity now will show the leagues from the db once they are created

TeamActivity now has the capability to show the teams, but there are errors between int ids and strings

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Added tests for all the Activities

Checking to see if anything returns in the JSON request

Added Issue of Android Tests

Added Issue of changing the activities to model, view, controller for testing and simplicity

Added issue of getting JSON data with integers not strings

Closed Issue of Adding a UI

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Added Issue of Pictures in Android

Closed issue of obtaining and displaying DB info

Closed Issue of Model, View, Controller

Opened Issue mocking a server for Junit

Opened issue of creating a user on the android

Opened Issue creating/getting games played

Opened Issue of Launcher icon creation

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Helped fix the JUnit test

Closed issue Mocking a Server for JUnit

Closed Android Tests

Closed Option to Create a new User

Closed Issue of Creation of a User on the App

Closed Issue of Adding Images

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Pair Programmed the fragments and team ids

Added Game, GameAction, GamePosition as apiObjects classes and started a GameController

Made an interface to interact with the GameFragment and the activities to get the team ids from the fragment

Added more Unit Tests

Made the CreateNewGameActivity to create a new game

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Cleaning up some of the code to further the Game and other api

Closed Issue Getting JSON data with integers not strings

Created Issue Android Instrumented Tests

Created Issue Layout of the Events and Games

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Created Issue of Animation

Closed Issue of Launcher Icon Creation

Created Issue of Approval between Users

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Paired Programmed: (pair programming is easier at this point since there is not much to do now)

Functionality for creating a new game

Display Approvals

Launcher Icon, Progressing towards creating games, and cleaning up old code

kyleMeyers commented 7 years ago

Pair Programmed starting the games, approvals, and updating games

Closed Issue Creating/Getting Games Played

Closed Issue JUnit tests

Merged Everything into Development