YCPCS-481-TeamB / BaseballSim

CS481 Group Project
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Progress Log (Ben) #5

Open bcoov opened 8 years ago

bcoov commented 8 years ago

This is the root issue for Ben's Changelog

bcoov commented 7 years ago

Added the initial UML diagram for the BaseballSim project. As this is the initial version, modification to the diagram as the project develops is possible.

baseballsim_initial_img (Created using the violetumleditor-2.1.0.jar from http://ycpcs.github.io/cs320-spring2015/resources/index.html)

bcoov commented 7 years ago

IN PROGRESS: Algorithm for determining gameplay outcome.

"Gameplay" refers (currently) to the lifetime of a Baseball from moment of pitch to completed fielding, which is composed of multiple phases:

At each phase, the appropriate Player's Attributes are taken into consideration (method of which is still being planned) which will determine the result of each phase (i.e., Batter Hits or Misses Pitch from Pitcher). The outcome of each phase determines whether or not the following phase occurs. A basic decision tree is as follows: P / \ H M / \ / \ F NF S B [P = Pitch; H = Hit; M = Miss; F = Fielded; NF = Not Fielded; S = Strike; B = Ball]

bcoov commented 7 years ago

Updates to progress on the Android branch