YCPCS-481-TeamB / BaseballSim

CS481 Group Project
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API Documentation #62

Closed bcoov closed 7 years ago

bcoov commented 7 years ago

29 is a good start to understanding how to use the API, but more detailed API documentation is sorely needed. Specifically what values/fields are required (if any) when performing operations to the various endpoints.

sfitzpa4 commented 7 years ago

What operations are you trying to do on these endpoints, an example perhaps?

sfitzpa4 commented 7 years ago

Here's an updated Endpoints Doc API.Endpoints.docx

bcoov commented 7 years ago

I was hoping for something resembling typical API documentation (The GitHub API docs are a good example)

So for authenticating, I'd expect something like this:


To authenticate a user, perform a POST to the /users/token/ endpoint.

The reply to this operation will include a "success" element indicating "true" or "false on whether the authentication succeeded. If it did, there will also be a "token" element, whose value is the authentication token to be passed with future HTTP operations to indicate an authenticated operation.

sfitzpa4 commented 7 years ago

API Documentation is found in the Dev branch here