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read lidar data with pure python #2

Closed ggjj11 closed 4 years ago

ggjj11 commented 4 years ago

I found several (pure python) github projects which read data from the lidars using the serial package, but unfortunately none for the X2:

Could you maybe check the PyLidar3 project and post the needed adaptions for getting the X2 to work with it. This would simplify the useage of the lidars from python a lot, because there is no Visual Studio build environment (plus the swig dependency) required if only pure python functionality is used.

Maybe you could also provide a simple python package using the serial package to read the lidar data? This would be much easier than your current solution.

yangfuyuan commented 4 years ago

See Issue #1

ggjj11 commented 4 years ago

I think this would still be beneficial. Alternatively you could create a conda package, such that it is easier to install the sdk. There you can also distribute binaries.

yangfuyuan commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your good suggestions, we will consider using conda to create an installation package, and release the binary