ydlidar sdk
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LCK..ydlidar not deleted ? #5

Open mibcat opened 4 years ago

mibcat commented 4 years ago

Hi ! Sometimes the ydlidar node does not start with the error message:

[ INFO] [1576081840.234292809]: [YDLIDAR INFO] Now YDLIDAR ROS SDK VERSION:1.4.1 ....... RXTX Warning: Removing stale lock file. /var/lock/LCK..ydlidar RXTX Error: Unable to remove stale lock file: /var/lock/LCK..ydlidar check_lock_status: device is locked by another application fhs_lock() lockstatus fail Could not lock serial port for exclusive access [CYdLidar] Error, cannot bind to the specified serial port[/dev/ydlidar] and baudrate[128000] [CYdLidar::initialize] Error initializing YDLIDAR check Comms. [ERROR] [1576081840.253951601]: Error initializing YDLIDAR Comms and Status!!! [YDLIDAR INFO] Now YDLIDAR is stopping ....... [ydlidar_node-1] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/robi/.ros/log/4c1c66e6-1c33-11ea-a1ac-b827eb85f39a/ydlidar_node-1*.log all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done

It seems that this issue is caused by an old lock file LCK..ydlidar (because the PID in the file does not exist). If this file is deleted manually the ydlidar node can be started successfully again.