Closed rasheeddo closed 2 years ago
This problem would be an issue when using this ydlidar_ros2 package with slam_toolbox package to create a map.
I have solved it just temporarily by using ros1_bridge with your ydlidar_ros (ROS1) package, with TG.launch file it could give me a constant length of 2019, so the ros2 run slam_toolbox
to make the map became working fine.
Hi @rasheeddo,
Did you manage to solve this issue in the ros2 node? Thanks!
I met the same problem using G4. And I found that the problem was caused by wrong param name resolution_fixed
in ydlidar.yaml
Which is also mentioned in
@rasheeddo @Wimll
@Wimll I solved it temporarily by using ydlidar_ros (ros1) with ros1_bridge. It just only for slam_toolbox when making a map, but for navigation2 I could come back and use ydlidar_ros2_driver as usual (even the length is not fixed).
@chenjunnn I tried changing the parameter name as you mentioned but the ranges became none (zero length), here is what topic echo gave me
sec: 1652847653
nanosec: 148561000
frame_id: laser_frame
angle_min: -3.1415927410125732
angle_max: 3.1415927410125732
angle_increment: -6.2831854820251465
time_increment: 4.999999873689376e-05
scan_time: 0.0989999994635582
range_min: 0.009999999776482582
range_max: 32.0
ranges: []
intensities: []
Here is my ydlidar.yaml
port: /dev/ydlidar
frame_id: laser_frame
ignore_array: ""
baudrate: 512000
lidar_type: 0 #1
device_type: 0
sample_rate: 20 #9
abnormal_check_count: 4
#resolution_fixed: true
fixed_resolution: true
reversion: true
inverted: true
auto_reconnect: true
isSingleChannel: false
intensity: false
support_motor_dtr: false
angle_max: 180.0
angle_min: -180.0
range_max: 32.0
range_min: 0.01
frequency: 10.0
invalid_range_is_inf: false
Note that I tried changing the sample rate
to 20 and lidar_type
to 0, as an original TG.launch in ros1, but none of this works for me. When I commented fixed_resolution
out (use default) I could see ranges data, but again I couldn't get the fixed length or ranges in this case.
Hi, thank you for the work on ros2_driver support, I am using TG30 but I noticed that the length of ranges array from /scan topic from ydlidar_ros2_driver_node is not constant. When I was using your ydlidar_ros package on ROS1 with TG.launch, it gave a ranges length as 2019 constantly. Here is my ydlidar.yaml config file to run with ydlidar_ros2_driver_node
I made a python script to subscribe on that, and the ranges length is like 1963, 1965, 1971, 1967, 1965, 1961,... Here is the test script I am using,
Do you have any idea why the length of ranges is not constant as your ROS1 package?