30 Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithms
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Add benchmark performance #12

Open kinto-b opened 11 months ago

kinto-b commented 11 months ago

It would be useful to also see the performance of each SSL model against the purely supervised backbone run on the labeled data.

For example, TSVM vs pure SVM:

import numpy as np
from LAMDA_SSL.Dataset.Tabular.BreastCancer import BreastCancer

dataset = BreastCancer(labeled_size=0.1, stratified=True, shuffle=True)
labeled_X = dataset.labeled_X
labeled_y = dataset.labeled_y
unlabeled_X = dataset.unlabeled_X
unlabeled_y = dataset.unlabeled_y

from sklearn import preprocessing

pre_transform = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
pre_transform.fit(np.vstack([labeled_X, unlabeled_X]))
labeled_X = pre_transform.transform(labeled_X)
unlabeled_X = pre_transform.transform(unlabeled_X)

from LAMDA_SSL.Algorithm.Classification.TSVM import TSVM

# I tried using a range of Cl and Cu, starting from 15 and 0.0001 and then gradually 
# upping Cu and decreasing Cl. It didn't seem to make a difference?
model = TSVM(Cl=1, Cu=1, kernel="linear")

model.fit(X=labeled_X, y=labeled_y, unlabeled_X=unlabeled_X)
pred_y = model.predict()

from LAMDA_SSL.Evaluation.Classifier.Accuracy import Accuracy

score = Accuracy().scoring(unlabeled_y, pred_y)
print(f"SSL TSVM score: {score}")
#> SSL TSVM score: 0.9609375

# Compare with pure SVM
from sklearn import svm
model_sl = svm.SVC()
model_sl.fit(labeled_X, labeled_y)
pred_sl = model_sl.predict(unlabeled_X)
score_sl = Accuracy().scoring(unlabeled_y, pred_sl)
print(f"SL SVM score: {score_sl}")
#> SL SVM score: 0.955078125