YIZHUANG / react-multi-carousel

A lightweight production-ready Carousel that rocks supports multiple items and server-side rendering with no dependency. Bundle size 2kb.
MIT License
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Typing error its transform and not transfrom #299

Closed akucharczyk closed 2 years ago

akucharczyk commented 2 years ago

For example additionalTransfrom

caleyg commented 1 year ago

Was this resolved? I still see the typo in 2.8.2 here. Could this be reopened?

declare class Carousel extends React.Component<CarouselProps, CarouselInternalState> {
    static defaultProps: {
        slidesToSlide: number;
        infinite: boolean;
        draggable: boolean;
        swipeable: boolean;
        arrows: boolean;
        renderArrowsWhenDisabled: boolean;
        containerClass: string;
        sliderClass: string;
        itemClass: string;
        keyBoardControl: boolean;
        autoPlaySpeed: number;
        showDots: boolean;
        renderDotsOutside: boolean;
        renderButtonGroupOutside: boolean;
        minimumTouchDrag: number;
        className: string;
        dotListClass: string;
        focusOnSelect: boolean;
        centerMode: boolean;
        additionalTransfrom: number; 👈 
        pauseOnHover: boolean;
        shouldResetAutoplay: boolean;
        rewind: boolean;
        rtl: boolean;
        rewindWithAnimation: boolean;