YIZHUANG / react-multi-carousel

A lightweight production-ready Carousel that rocks supports multiple items and server-side rendering with no dependency. Bundle size 2kb.
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Render slider fails / disappears on mobile devices #392

Open VittorioMorellini opened 1 year ago

VittorioMorellini commented 1 year ago


Before you submit a feature request or report a bug to be fixed, make sure you have stared this repository. A donation is also welcomed

Describe the bug the slider on mobile device, tablet and smartphone disappears

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to interpreta.sixtema.it
  2. Click on go the desktop version and you see that the slider is showing
  3. If you open the Developer tool and in the Device frame you select the tablet or the smartphone the slider is visible the first time. But if change page or you press F5 the slider disappear
  4. The project is Next.js 12 and the slider is fetched client side
  5. See error

Expected behavior Why the slider disappear? it should not disappear

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Reproduction interpreta.sixtema.it, the behaviour is visible on the homer page. On the desktop is ok, but it the tablet is ok only the fisrt time if you come form a desktop view, if you change page the slider disappear

jagdish0809 commented 10 months ago

I am facing the issue I have implemented in my react app the carousel slider is visible in desktop screen but when I inspect the app and switch to mobile device screen the carousel is initially visible but now if refresh the page the content disappers.. Why?

Dirie commented 7 months ago

I'm also experiencing the same issue, have you fixed it yet. When I run the app, In Desktop renders well but In Moible (only real device), the whole carousel disappears. Tried to downgrade the version even, nothing is changed. Any solutions please.

gryzel1 commented 1 month ago


I had the same issue and figured that it was happening because my breakpoints were misconfigured.

mobile: { breakpoint: { max: 767, min: 0 }, items: 1, slidesToSlide: 1 }

By default my "min" value was 464, but after replacing it by 0 everything works fine for me now.

Hope it helps.

anubhavadarsh commented 2 weeks ago

any updates on this, my carousel is not visible in desktop initially but on resizing the screen and going to mobile view it re-appears.