YIZHUANG / react-multi-carousel

A lightweight production-ready Carousel that rocks supports multiple items and server-side rendering with no dependency. Bundle size 2kb.
MIT License
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No inputs were found in config file #408

Open ChetSocio opened 9 months ago

ChetSocio commented 9 months ago


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Describe the bug No inputs were found in config file 'c:/Users/UserName/Music/demoFolder/frontend/demofrontend/node_modules/react-multi-carousel/tsconfig.json'. Specified 'include' paths were '["./src//.tsx","./src///.tsx","./src//*.ts"]' and 'exclude' paths were '["node_modules"]'.ts

To Reproduce I just installed the package using npm i react-multi-carousel and the error is coming instantly. I tried removing and reinstalling it . Whenever i reinstall it, it gives such error in tsconfig.json file.

Expected behavior This error should not happen..

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

My configuration: I am using nextjs 13.5 with app directory and typescript on react 18.2.0. The package version is : "^2.8.4".
