YIZHUANG / react-multi-carousel

A lightweight production-ready Carousel that rocks supports multiple items and server-side rendering with no dependency. Bundle size 2kb.
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Slides are aligned right instead of left #415

Open shaunjanssens opened 7 months ago

shaunjanssens commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug When only 2 slides are available and paritialVisibilityGutter is used the slides are aligned right instead of left.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a slider with 2 slides
  2. Use responsive prop and define paritialVisibilityGutter

Expected behavior The slides are aligned left instead of right.


Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 08 33 24

Reproduction Link to codesandbox.

lucasharada commented 2 months ago

Any solution on this one? Having the same issue with latest version.

nicktrull commented 1 month ago

Same issue. transform: translate3d is being applied when slide items count are equal to the slidesToSlide or items property in responsive.

const responsive = {
    desktop: {
      breakpoint: { max: 3000, min: 1024 },
      items: 3,
      slidesToSlide: 3,
      partialVisibilityGutter: 50,

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 1 16 28 PM

In the above example, if a carousel has 1, 2, 4, or more items the translate property starts at 0 as expected and is correctly applied when the carousel advances or if there are less than 3 the arrows are correctly hidden and translate is not applied.

If, however, there are 3 items (matching slidesToSlide or items properties) in the carousel a translate value is being applied on render pushing the visible items right to the edge of the container.

Any way to prevent translate from being applied in this case?