YJZLuckyBoy / liorf

This repo is modified based on LIO_SAM, which remove the feature extraction module and makes it easier to adapt your sensor.
MIT License
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how to open fusion gps function? #32

Open liuchongxiao opened 11 months ago

liuchongxiao commented 11 months ago

hi, many thaks for your work, I am using myself dateset, and my imu topic is "imu", gps topic is "fix", I change the lio_sam_default.yaml, and the gps topic and imu topic to the folowing: pointCloudTopic: "velodyne_points" # Point cloud data imuTopic: "imu" # IMU data odomTopic: "odometry/imu" # IMU pre-preintegration odometry, same frequency as IMU gpsTopic: "fix" # GPS odometry topic from navsat, see module_navsat.launch file and I also change module_navsat.launch file as folowing :

    <remap from="gps/fix" to="fix" />

my gps sensor type is: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix

however when I run the code, I can not see the Odom GPS in the rviz window, what else do I need change?

YJZLuckyBoy commented 7 months ago

@liuchongxiao You can check whether the data meets the requirements of this code gps status