YU000jp / logseq-plugin-quickly-para-method

Provides quick menu for The PARA method.
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"Add Use a DONE marker when recordings on the Archives page" not working for me #24

Open jwhonce opened 3 months ago

jwhonce commented 3 months ago

Recode > Add a DONE marker when recording on the Archives is checked plugin v1.8.5 Logseq Version 0.10.7 (81) macOS 14.4 (23E214)

Reading https://github.com/YU000jp/logseq-plugin-quickly-para-method/pull/5 , it would appear archiving a project using /Page-Tag (Archive) should update [[Archives]] with DONE and a reference to the archived project. This does not happen on my instance of Logseq. The project page's tags are changed from Projects to Archives, but neither the [[Projects]] or [[Archives]] pages are updated as I would expect.

Is there any additional information I can provide to debug the issue?

YU000jp commented 2 months ago

The cause is currently unknown. It's working in my environment. This option itself does not require a complicated amount of code, so the cause is likely to be limited, but I do not know. I'll put this issue on hold. https://github.com/YU000jp/logseq-plugin-quickly-para-method/blob/6fb4e6f43814923d0161d3fcc8d8412cc41ddd7e/src/RecodePageTop.ts#L25

YU000jp commented 2 months ago

@jwhonce Note that there is the toggle in the plugin settings, please enable it.

jwhonce commented 2 months ago

@YU000jp Verified setting is on, with 1.8.6 things are a little wonky.

page-type:: [[Projects]] 
priority:: #A
marker:: DOING
tags:: Projects,
tags:: Archives,
YU000jp commented 2 months ago

This option does not mean placing the DONE marker on the page itself, but rather on the block used to record the date.