API for my Minecraft mods
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Game Crash when loading/creating a world. #70

Open Jakoby1835 opened 1 month ago

Jakoby1835 commented 1 month ago

I did trouble shooting… when Yung’s api and Twilight forest are loaded, the game loads but when creating/opening a world, the game chrashes.

Jakoby1835 commented 1 month ago

With the neoforge loader

Theodore9292 commented 1 month ago

Yo, Thanks, It fixed the problem, probably some world generation overlap?

Temiteck commented 1 month ago

same problem, I was playing on 1.20.4 with NeoForge, and I was using the 2276 and then the 2235 build of Twilight Forest. Bug happens when I open a world. Error message:

The game crashed whilst exception initializing level Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectListIterator.hasNext()" because "customDensities" is null

and here the chrash log: crash-2024-06-15_09.31.23-server.txt

Jakoby1835 commented 1 month ago

This is about the same error that I have. both mods are runny fine separately, but when loaded together their crashing