This is an improved version of ORB-SLAM3 that adds an object detection module implemented with YOLOv5 to achieve SLAM in dynamic environments.
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cmake編譯錯誤 #4

Closed jeff210096 closed 1 year ago

jeff210096 commented 2 years ago

您好, 請問一下在運行最後 make rgbd_tum -j4報以下錯誤: Screenshot from 2022-05-30 15-41-01 自己有跑過orbslam3但無法運行您的, 感謝

YWL0720 commented 2 years ago

您好,这套代码在我的ubuntu20.04 +opencv4.2+pangolin0.5上测试是可以编译成功的,是否可能是版本问题