A computational method designed to identify and quantify IPA sites via the examination of contextual sequence patterns and RNA-seq reads alignment.
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IPA ref for other models #3

Open Toutouflipi opened 2 months ago

Toutouflipi commented 2 months ago

Hi! Thank you for this great software.

I was wondering if you plan to include other models or a code for building the necessary IPA reference? I work with danio rerio and would love to use InPACT!


liuxc1995 commented 2 months ago

Hello! Thank you for your interest in InPACT!

While our current focus is on human data, we are definitely open to expanding InPACT to support other species, such as Danio rerio. We appreciate your suggestion and will keep you informed of any developments regarding the inclusion of Danio rerio in InPACT.


Toutouflipi commented 2 months ago

Thank you very much!

I am looking forward to it!