YZarytskyi / react-audio-visualization

Demo App for the react-voice-visualizer library.
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Didn't found a way to playback recorded audio when it's only paused, but not saved #1

Open wesleyricarte opened 3 months ago

wesleyricarte commented 3 months ago

Hey, how are you there?

I'm using your library in a project and it's working fine for a long time, but now I'm doing some changes and I faced a little issue.


When user is recording and then he just pauses the audio (but don't save), there are no possibility to playback the little piece without save it. It's bad for my case cause I would like to give users possibility to record back again in the same audio, and when paused, plays the recorded piece.

Is it possible to do with the useVoiceVisualizer Hook?

YZarytskyi commented 3 months ago

Hi, unfortunately it's not possible. You need to save the audio and then you will be able to playback it.