Open M00nBr1ght opened 3 years ago
Can you be more specific? I couldn't get the "DEMO 1" to crash on Linux at all using several bxt_ cvars in-game.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cbuf_Execute at 0xf5f9cb50.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found cls at 0xf6c9c100.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found sv at 0xf68772e0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found svs at 0xf6877220.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found g_svmove at 0xf6a01340.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found pmove at 0xf6196820.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found host_client at 0xf6808980.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found sv_player at 0xf6a50940.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found sv_areanodes at 0xf6a593c0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found cmd_text at 0xf6805b50.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found cmd_alias at 0xf6805b90.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found host_frametime at 0xf68772e0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found hudGetViewAngles at 0xf6052c90.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found SV_AddLinksToPM at 0xf6000660.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found SV_AddLinksToPM_ at 0xf60001c0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found SV_WriteEntitiesToClient at 0xf5fec480.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Con_Printf at 0xf6089990.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cvar_RegisterVariable at 0xf5fa4cb0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cvar_DirectSet at 0xf5fa46d0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cvar_FindVar at 0xf5fa42f0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cbuf_InsertText at 0xf5f9aee0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cbuf_AddText at 0xf5f9ae20.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cbuf_InsertTextLines at 0xf5f9aef0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cmd_TokenizeString at 0xf5f9b9d0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cmd_AddMallocCommand at 0xf5f9be40.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cmd_Argc at 0xf5f9b970.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cmd_Args at 0xf5f9b9c0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cmd_Argv at 0xf5f9b990.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found SeedRandomNumberGenerator at 0xf5fcc8c0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Host_Changelevel2_f at 0xf5fbcc10.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque at 0xf6066af0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found PM_PlayerTrace at 0xf5fc7940.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found CL_Stop_f at 0xf602e7a0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Host_Loadgame_f at 0xf5fbd5b0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Host_Reload_f at 0xf5fbdb80.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found SV_SpawnServer at 0xf5feedc0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found CL_RecordHUDCommand at 0xf602db90.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found CL_Record_f at 0xf602eab0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Key_Event at 0xf609b1e0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Cmd_Exec_f at 0xf5f9cff0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Host_FilterTime at 0xf5fb4000.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found V_FadeAlpha at 0xf6065740.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found SCR_UpdateScreen at 0xf6066a50.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found PF_GetPhysicsKeyValue at 0xf5fccf50.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found build_number at 0xf5f99e80.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found SV_Frame at 0xf5ff5070.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found VGuiWrap2_ConDPrintf at 0xf60886b0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found VGuiWrap2_ConPrintf at 0xf60886b0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found R_DrawSequentialPoly at 0xf607cb10.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found R_Clear at 0xf606a440.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found Mod_LeafPVS at 0xf5f9d210.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found CL_Move at 0xf6037090.
[DevMsg] BXT: [hw dll] Found frametime_remainder at 0xf621a6a0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] pEngfuncs is 0xc8bcb560.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found HUD_Init at 0xc8b41bb0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found HUD_VidInit at 0xc8b41bd0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found HUD_Reset at 0xc8b41b30.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found HUD_Redraw at 0xc8b41b80.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found V_CalcRefdef at 0xc8b60df0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found HUD_PostRunCmd at 0xc8b37e40.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found HUD_Frame at 0xc8b41b00.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found HUD_DrawTransparentTriangles at 0xc8b5c610.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found HUD_Key_Event at 0xc8b4cfd0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found HUD_UpdateClientData at 0xc8b41b50.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found IN_ActivateMouse at 0xc8b39950.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found IN_DeactivateMouse at 0xc8b39970.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found PM_PreventMegaBunnyJumping at 0xc8b960f0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found PM_Jump at 0xc8b96160.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Found the bhopcap pattern at 0xc8b92cb2.
[DevMsg] BXT: [client dll] Registering CVars.
[Warning] SPTLib: Unable to obtain the SDL2.dll module info!
Gtk-Message: 03:22:21.570: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
[0702/] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/dsm_demo1_english.txt".
Platform config directory: platform/config
0:Initializing platform...
[ALSOFT] (EE) Failed to set real-time priority for thread: Operation not permitted (1)
[ALSOFT] (EE) Failed to set real-time priority for thread: Operation not permitted (1)
Server module initialized.
World module initialized.
STEAM Auth Server
AppActive: active
AppActive: active
AppActive: not active
AppActive: active
[DevMsg] SPTLib: Hooking /home/unko/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/./valve/dlls/ (start: 0x8700c000; size: 1c8000)...
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found PM_PreventMegaBunnyJumping at 0x87178710.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found PM_PlayerMove at 0x871792d0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found PM_Jump at 0x87178780.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found the bhopcap pattern at 0x87175332.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found CTriggerVolume::Spawn [Linux] at 0x87158360.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found CBasePlayer::ForceClientDllUpdate [Linux] at 0x871351b0.
[DevWarning] BXT: [server dll] Could not find CPushable::Move.
[Warning] BXT: Object boost logging is not available.
[DevWarning] BXT: [server dll] Could not find CBasePlayer::TakeDamage.
[Warning] BXT: Damage logging is not available.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found CGraph::InitGraph [Linux] at (nil).
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found the CNihilanth::NextActivity pattern at 0x87116930 (using the HL-SteamPipe-Linux pattern).
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found CNihilanth::EmitSphere at 0x87117e40 (using the HL-SteamPipe-Linux pattern).
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found CBasePlayer::CheatImpulseCommands [Linux] at (nil).
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found CmdStart at 0x870c8d10.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found AddToFullPack at 0x870c7b70.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found ClientCommand at 0x870c6810.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found PM_Move at 0x87179e90.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found CNihilanth::DyingThink [Linux] at 0x871174e0.
[DevWarning] BXT: [server dll] Could not find COFGeneWorm::DyingThink.
[Warning] BXT: Gene Worm automatic timer stopping is not available.
[DevWarning] BXT: [server dll] Could not find CApache::DyingThink.
[Warning] BXT: They Hunger Episode 3 automatic timer stopping is not available.
[DevWarning] BXT: [server dll] Could not find CBaseDoor::DoorGoUp.
[Warning] BXT: They Hunger Episode 2 automatic timer stopping is not available.
[DevWarning] BXT: [server dll] Could not find CMultiManager::ManagerThink or CMultiManager::ManagerUse.
[Warning] BXT: Blue Shift and Gunman Chronicles automatic timer stopping is not available.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found PM_ClipVelocity at 0x87175690.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found PM_WaterMove at 0x87176600.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found PM_WalkMove at 0x87175ec0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found PM_FlyMove at 0x87175870.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found PM_AddToTouched at 0x87174d30.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Found PM_Ladder at 0x87178030.
[DevWarning] BXT: [server dll] Could not find DispatchRestore.
[Warning] BXT: Blue Shift "A Leap of Faith" chapter autosplit is unavailable.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] pEngfuncs is 0x871d34c0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] ppGlobals is 0x871d34a0.
[DevMsg] BXT: [server dll] Registering CVars.
Does bunnymod/half-life leave a crash log? Maybe there is some answer there. I assume the reason why it doesn't crash for you is that the mod page says that the mod is designed to run with the windows version of half-life on steam.
@M00nBr1ght hey, you should be able to inject this BXT into your mod and access basic features
There are compatibility issues with the decay solo mission mod which causes the game to crash if used in conjunction with bunny mod. The mod creator said he would not change the mod to make it compatible with this mod but encouraged me to contact you.