YaccConstructor / Brahma.FSharp

F# quotation to OpenCL translator and respective runtime to utilize GPGPUs in F# applications.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Invalid translation of 'merge' kernel #135

Closed dpanfilyonok closed 2 years ago

dpanfilyonok commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Invalid translation of the following kernel:

let command workGroupSize =
        fun (ndRange: Range1D)
            (firstRowsBuffer: ClArray<int>)
            (firstColumnsBuffer: ClArray<int>)
            (firstValuesBuffer: ClArray<'a>)
            (secondRowsBuffer: ClArray<int>)
            (secondColumnsBuffer: ClArray<int>)
            (secondValuesBuffer: ClArray<'a>)
            (allRowsBuffer: ClArray<int>)
            (allColumnsBuffer: ClArray<int>)
            (allValuesBuffer: ClArray<'a>) ->

            let i = ndRange.GlobalID0

            let mutable beginIdxLocal = local ()
            let mutable endIdxLocal = local ()
            let localID = ndRange.LocalID0

            if localID < 2 then
                let mutable x = localID * (workGroupSize - 1) + i - 1

                if x >= sumOfSides then
                    x <- sumOfSides - 1

                let diagonalNumber = x

                let mutable leftEdge = diagonalNumber + 1 - secondSide
                if leftEdge < 0 then leftEdge <- 0

                let mutable rightEdge = firstSide - 1

                if rightEdge > diagonalNumber then
                    rightEdge <- diagonalNumber

                while leftEdge <= rightEdge do
                    let middleIdx = (leftEdge + rightEdge) / 2

                    let firstIndex: uint64 =
                        ((uint64 firstRowsBuffer.[middleIdx]) <<< 32)
                        ||| (uint64 firstColumnsBuffer.[middleIdx])

                    let secondIndex: uint64 =
                        ((uint64 secondRowsBuffer.[diagonalNumber - middleIdx])
                         <<< 32)
                        ||| (uint64 secondColumnsBuffer.[diagonalNumber - middleIdx])

                    if firstIndex < secondIndex then
                        leftEdge <- middleIdx + 1
                        rightEdge <- middleIdx - 1

                // Here localID equals either 0 or 1
                if localID = 0 then
                    beginIdxLocal <- leftEdge
                    endIdxLocal <- leftEdge

            barrierLocal ()

            let beginIdx = beginIdxLocal
            let endIdx = endIdxLocal
            let firstLocalLength = endIdx - beginIdx
            let mutable x = workGroupSize - firstLocalLength

            if endIdx = firstSide then
                x <- secondSide - i + localID + beginIdx

            let secondLocalLength = x

            //First indices are from 0 to firstLocalLength - 1 inclusive
            //Second indices are from firstLocalLength to firstLocalLength + secondLocalLength - 1 inclusive
            let localIndices = localArray<uint64> workGroupSize

            if localID < firstLocalLength then
                localIndices.[localID] <-
                    ((uint64 firstRowsBuffer.[beginIdx + localID])
                     <<< 32)
                    ||| (uint64 firstColumnsBuffer.[beginIdx + localID])

            if localID < secondLocalLength then
                localIndices.[firstLocalLength + localID] <-
                    ((uint64 secondRowsBuffer.[i - beginIdx]) <<< 32)
                    ||| (uint64 secondColumnsBuffer.[i - beginIdx])

            barrierLocal ()

            if i < sumOfSides then
                let mutable leftEdge = localID + 1 - secondLocalLength
                if leftEdge < 0 then leftEdge <- 0

                let mutable rightEdge = firstLocalLength - 1

                if rightEdge > localID then
                    rightEdge <- localID

                while leftEdge <= rightEdge do
                    let middleIdx = (leftEdge + rightEdge) / 2
                    let firstIndex = localIndices.[middleIdx]

                    let secondIndex =
                        localIndices.[firstLocalLength + localID - middleIdx]

                    if firstIndex < secondIndex then
                        leftEdge <- middleIdx + 1
                        rightEdge <- middleIdx - 1

                let boundaryX = rightEdge
                let boundaryY = localID - leftEdge

                // boundaryX and boundaryY can't be off the right edge of array (only off the left edge)
                let isValidX = boundaryX >= 0
                let isValidY = boundaryY >= 0

                let mutable fstIdx = 0UL

                if isValidX then
                    fstIdx <- localIndices.[boundaryX]

                let mutable sndIdx = 0UL

                if isValidY then
                    sndIdx <- localIndices.[firstLocalLength + boundaryY]

                if not isValidX || isValidY && fstIdx < sndIdx then
                    allRowsBuffer.[i] <- int (sndIdx >>> 32)
                    allColumnsBuffer.[i] <- int sndIdx
                    allValuesBuffer.[i] <- secondValuesBuffer.[i - localID - beginIdx + boundaryY]
                    allRowsBuffer.[i] <- int (fstIdx >>> 32)
                    allColumnsBuffer.[i] <- int fstIdx
                    allValuesBuffer.[i] <- firstValuesBuffer.[beginIdx + boundaryX]

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