Yacubane / esp32-arduino-matter

Matter IoT protocol library for ESP32 working on Arduino framework
Apache License 2.0
298 stars 29 forks source link

Question to Versions #58

Open RobAllIsGood opened 2 months ago

RobAllIsGood commented 2 months ago


I added my Espresso machine to my Google Home using Matter and ESP32 C3 thanks to your work here :). Wrote a little table driven state machine to go through the steps in the correct order and with the correct timing.

I know you properly have other thinsgs on your plate. Curious about if development will continue?

Saw that Release 3.0.0RC1 is out. (link https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/releases ). Also 2.0.15 has been out, tried that, doesnt seem to work.


Rob :)

Yacubane commented 2 months ago

Hey, yes development will continue, I was waiting for 3.0.0 to release but it took longer than I expected :)

Thank you for information, it is now worth to start developing support for 3.0.0.

RobAllIsGood commented 2 months ago

Awesome, love your work, happy to contribute my little code to your example library if you like. Write it generically so other automation tasks can be accomplished where a number of outputs need to be swutched in timed sequence.

hassbian-ABC commented 2 months ago


