YafaRay / libYafaRay

libYafaRay is a free open-source montecarlo raytracing engine released under the LGPL 2.1 license. Raytracing is a rendering technique for generating realistic images by tracing the path of light through a 3D scene.
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Website #2

Open arihant2math opened 3 years ago

arihant2math commented 3 years ago

It seems that the YafaRay website is down, the domain has expired.

DavidBluecame commented 3 years ago


Thank you for reporting this, I've forwarded this to Alvaro for review.

DavidBluecame commented 3 years ago

Hi, the domain has been renewed and you will not see anymore that unsettling message.

Unfortunately there are still issues with the yafaray.org server itself, so the website is down at the moment. Alvaro is aware and it's up to him now. However, as the issue with the domain renewal is resolved I'm closing this issue.

Thanks again for reporting this and best regards.

DavidBluecame commented 3 years ago

Thinking about it, I'll leave this issue open, so other users are aware that the website is down.

Please if you have any issues with the software, please report them as issues in Github, either in libYafaRay for the "core" library or at the YafaRay-Blender if they are Blender-exporter related.

arihant2math commented 3 years ago

Where can I see the docs for now?

DavidBluecame commented 3 years ago


It's slow and probably incomplete, but a significant portion of the yafaray.org website can still be read using the Archive.org Wayback Machine link below:


I hope it helps.

SamoSan commented 3 years ago

Hi there, I am Alvaro

We don't have website because we don't have a "resident" sysadmin, it is materially imposible to keep a site up without one, moreover if we use a complex CMS structure like the one we had. We are open to ideas and proposals about this issue, but wihout a sysadmin we can only shoot for a maintenance-free solution. Unfortunatelly we had lost a ton of up to date documentation and tutorials with the site downfall but, apart from webarchive, there is some stuff at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9Xy9o3kawnQZTN3Nmd6QTUyWnM?usp=sharing

MrGKanev commented 3 years ago

Hi @DavidBluecame , I couldn't find an email or something to talk to you about the website. If you need someone with sysadmin and website development knowledge you can ping me. (I'm also with the same username everywhere)

odil24 commented 3 years ago

Hi @DavidBluecame , I couldn't find an email or something to talk to you about the website. If you need someone with sysadmin and website development knowledge you can ping me. (I'm also with the same username everywhere)

Hi @MrGKanev. You must contact not with @DavidBluecame but also with @SamoSan (alvarolunab@yahoo.es)

odil24 commented 3 years ago


MrGKanev commented 3 years ago

@odil24, thanks for the suggestions. I wrote in the FB post. I didn't ping @SamoSan because as far as I can see he is AFK at least from Github. If they are in search, hopefully, I can help.

DavidBluecame commented 3 years ago


Thank you for the offer! @SamoSan is the person organizing the website so please discuss it with him. Thanks!! :-)

arihant2math commented 3 years ago

@SamoSan any updates on this?

MrGKanev commented 3 years ago

Mostly no, I didn't get information even or even a replay.

DavidBluecame commented 3 years ago

Hello. I'm sorry about the situation. I hope @SamoSan can do something about it.

bkmgit commented 2 years ago

Could a static site be used to host the content as most of it is not interactive? For example yafray.github.io ? Forum would still need hosting, but issues may be sufficient.

MrGKanev commented 2 years ago

@bkmgit I wanted to help x months ago (this year), but because of the person which is "afk" we "can't". I still don't understand the reason why, but the domain expires in the next 6 days. If you want to continue the project it will be good to get it. If you still need help you can contact me.

bkmgit commented 2 years ago

@MrGKanev Thanks for your reply.

@SamoSan @DavidBluecame A basic site is available at
https://bkmgit.github.io/yafaray-site/ with the repository at https://github.com/bkmgit/yafaray-site which can be moved into the YafaRay space. If there is interest it is possible to add most of the content in the Wayback machine. It is possible to create image galleries using Jekyll, see for example http://dmnfarrell.github.io/software/jekyll-galleries

One can update the domain name if needed, for example yafaray.net

MrGKanev commented 2 years ago

@bkmgit it really depends on @DavidBluecame as the only "power" pushing this repo. I tried to help but was faced with a brick wall.

DavidBluecame commented 2 years ago


Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I'm also quite frustrated with the situation. However the issue here is not the technical difficulties of creating a web site (which is trivial nowadays) but the legal aspects of it. Even creating a relatively static website in GitHub Pages involves potential legal issues I don't want to be involved with.

That is why I hope @SamoSan can resolve the issues with the YafaRay domain and that he can eventually provide a properly administered web site.

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

Guys? What if I make a YafaRay page on my website?

MrGKanev commented 2 years ago

Guys? What if I make a YafaRay page on my website?

The problem here wasn't who made the page, the problem is that we don't have access to the domain itself so even if someone does make it, it can't be used as an "official one".

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

Guys? What if I make a YafaRay page on my website?

The problem here wasn't who made the page, the problem is that we don't have access to the domain itself so even if someone does make it, it can't be used as an "official one".

Ah, who cares? I can make it resemble the original, and it'll be the temporary "official" home of the YafaRay project... At least people will be able to download it without hassle and not having to go to GitHub's confusing layout to download it. :)

MrGKanev commented 2 years ago

Guys? What if I make a YafaRay page on my website?

The problem here wasn't who made the page, the problem is that we don't have access to the domain itself so even if someone does make it, it can't be used as an "official one".

Ah, who cares? I can make it resemble the original, and it'll be the temporary "official" home of the YafaRay project... At least people will be able to download it without hassle and not having to go to GitHub's confusing layout to download it. :)

Without the domain redirect, it is not the official one. People would not download it because it only says the official. All the links everywhere are sending it to the dead domain. I already tried to help the project, but ...

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

Guys? What if I make a YafaRay page on my website?

The problem here wasn't who made the page, the problem is that we don't have access to the domain itself so even if someone does make it, it can't be used as an "official one".

Ah, who cares? I can make it resemble the original, and it'll be the temporary "official" home of the YafaRay project... At least people will be able to download it without hassle and not having to go to GitHub's confusing layout to download it. :)

Without the domain redirect, it is not the official one. People would not download it because it only says the official. All the links everywhere are sending it to the dead domain. I already tried to help the project, but ...

Exactly! I on the other hand, will make the link point to the GitHub YafaRay package file. This way, it's official. :)

DavidBluecame commented 2 years ago


If you are willing to create a website for YafaRay, please will you contact @SamoSan ?

He is the one with access to the domain, etc.


blenderbach commented 2 years ago


If you are willing to create a website for YafaRay, please will you contact @SamoSan ?

He is the one with access to the domain, etc.


Not a website. A page on my website, that will have the links to download. Also I don't know how to contact that guy :)

DavidBluecame commented 2 years ago

Hello, @SamoSan Please it would be good to know if there is any way to get this issue resolved? Thanks!

SamoSan commented 2 years ago

Hi sorry for not being in touch, this github account is linked to a yahoo email I don't happen to use at all, I will try to create or redirect this to my good mail which is alvarolunab@gmail.com, you can always reach me there anyway. Only I wanted to say that I keep on using YafaRay and I would like to help creating training or debugging material. If anybody has a serious proposal for a Yafaray website I would gladly help to populate it and set up the domain.

MrGKanev commented 2 years ago

Hi sorry for not being in touch, this github account is linked to a yahoo email I don't happen to use at all, I will try to create or redirect this to my good mail which is alvarolunab@gmail.com, you can always reach me there anyway. Only I wanted to say that I keep on using YafaRay and I would like to help creating training or debugging material. If anybody has a serious proposal for a Yafaray website I would gradly help to populate it and set up the domain.

Isn't it going to be best just to redirect it to a repo owned by YafaRay? Then the community can maintain it without the need of a "system administrator".

SamoSan commented 2 years ago

Ok my github has been redirected to my good mail account. I also thought about redirecting yafaray domain to here in the meanwhile. Please David contact me by mail and I can give you access to the domain control panel.

SamoSan commented 2 years ago

Also there is the question of hosting training and debugging material, particularly scenes and a basic manual, I still have lots of material related to YafaRay/Blender 2.79, I don't know if Github could handle this.

MrGKanev commented 2 years ago

ning and debugging material, particularly scenes and a basic manual, I s

That kind of material can be uploaded somewhere and provided a link(s). In all cases, it will be better to have a live website with even dead links than to have a dead website altogether.

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

I will give it a month. If the site doesn't go online. I will make a page on my website "https://blenderbach.neocities.org/" that will become the new "home" of YafaRay, until further notice, since people will forget about YafaRay and it will die... We can't allow it to meet the same fate as the Blender Internal Rendering Engine.

MrGKanev commented 2 years ago

I will give it a month. If the site doesn't go online. I will make a page on my website "https://blenderbach.neocities.org/" that will become the new "home" of YafaRay, until further notice, since people will forget about YafaRay and it will die... We can't allow it to meet the same fate as the Blender Internal Rendering Engine.

As I mentioned, the problem isn't making a new website, it is retaining the old domain. - everywhere you search it will show the old dead domain, not a temporary page.

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

I will give it a month. If the site doesn't go online. I will make a page on my website "https://blenderbach.neocities.org/" that will become the new "home" of YafaRay, until further notice, since people will forget about YafaRay and it will die... We can't allow it to meet the same fate as the Blender Internal Rendering Engine.

As I mentioned, the problem isn't making a new website, it is retaining the old domain. - everywhere you search it will show the old dead domain, not a temporary page.

Well, you got to do with what you got. Sometimes, there's no other way. Eventually people will catch on that the new page is on my site and go there instead, until the site gets back online, IF it ever does.

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

A week left until I make YafaRay a page on my site as the new temporary home of YafaRay.

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

That's it. I'm making a YafaRay webpage!

odil24 commented 2 years ago

That's it. I'm making a YafaRay webpage!

so, what is the link?

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

That's it. I'm making a YafaRay webpage!

so, what is the link?

It will be https://blenderbach.neocities.org/yafaray.html

arihant2math commented 2 years ago

Any updates on the temporary site?

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I'm working on it. :)

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

Guys? What happened to YafaRay? The creator has archived the binaries? The latest release is 2 years old? Is YafaRay dead?

odil24 commented 2 years ago

Guys? What happened to YafaRay? The creator has archived the binaries? The latest release is 2 years old? Is YafaRay dead?

It is alive. Just on refactoring: https://github.com/YafaRay/libYafaRay/commits/master

blenderbach commented 2 years ago

Alrighty! The new temporary home of the YafaRay homepage is on my website! https://blenderbach.neocities.org/yafaray.html

threedslider commented 1 year ago

Hello, I think @SamoSan is better to make the website but the problem is expensive and Yafaray take long time to progress, so we need more peoples involved in the project that mean more developer and more user base to make donation for brighting new website, what do you think of that ?

DavidBluecame commented 1 year ago

Hello @threedslider

As I also answered at #7, I'm in the middle of a huge refactoring of the YafaRay codebase and API for the upcoming v4. Unfortunately a number of circumstances have prevented me from progressing at the speed I wanted and I'm sorry that the development is slow. However I think it's too soon at the moment for collaboration until I get v4 to a stable situation.

In any case you can follow the standard Git / GitHub workflow of forking the source code and play with it. If you think of developing any improvements you can do it in your fork and send a pull request that I would review. However I cannot guarantee accepting pull requests depending on the scope and contents, especially at this unstable stage.

In any case thank you for your interest.

Best regards.

threedslider commented 1 year ago

Hello @DavidBluecame

Sure if you want I can help you as well, sorry for late to answer you. I love Yafaray so much but I need to learn from source code and tell you if there are any improvement if you like it of course :), I will fork this repo and look it inside to bright some new ;)

Best regards too.

odil24 commented 1 year ago

Hello @DavidBluecame

Sure if you want I can help you as well, sorry for late to answer you. I love Yafaray so much but I need to learn from source code and tell you if there are any improvement if you like it of course :), I will fork this repo and look it inside to bright some new ;)

Best regards too.

Are you started something for YafaRay?

threedslider commented 1 year ago

@odil24 Not yet but I am quite new here so I hope to help him as well.

MrGKanev commented 1 year ago

The domain is still not in the Yafaray developer's hands. There isn't a need for a website if it will not be on the official/known domain.