YafaRay / libYafaRay

libYafaRay is a free open-source montecarlo raytracing engine released under the LGPL 2.1 license. Raytracing is a rendering technique for generating realistic images by tracing the path of light through a 3D scene.
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New test build #7

Open odil24 opened 2 years ago

odil24 commented 2 years ago

Hi David. As I see new commits is it still in progress or can we test a new build in coming near times?

Regards, Odilkhan.

DavidBluecame commented 2 years ago

Hello, Yes, it is still under heavy development and more major changes are expected in the next weeks. I've been working hard and long on improving the overall code quality/readability and fixing memory leaks and potential crashes, and defining a new API which is still going to experience major changes. I'm currently working on the materials and shader nodes, to try to achieve a more modular node system that can be used in newer Blender versions for example. After I get that done my next objective will be to get a working Blender 2.9 Exporter using nodes in materials.

Still a lot of work to do, until I get to that point I don't think there will be new builds. Keep in mind that the new version will bring few advantages to the current users of v3.5.1. I'm also working to make the code correct and readable/maintainable rather than making it fast. For now libYafaRay v4 will be slower than v3.5.1. When I finish the biggest changes, I will try to improve the speed a bit, but I expect v4 will remain slower (but hopefully more stable) than v3.5.1.

In any case I will create test builds as soon as the code is more stable and it's worth for users to try, which is probably not at the moment.

Thanks and best regards.

DavidBluecame commented 2 years ago

" Keep in mind that the new version will bring few advantages to the current users of v3.5.1." Just to clarify, I mean the new version will bring few advantages in its current state. By the time it's released as beta, I hope it will have many advantages for users and be more than worth it!

odil24 commented 2 years ago

Hi. Big thanks for your reply. We will wait until you finish the beta version. Good luck. ))

odil24 commented 2 years ago

Hi David. Any news on this?

DavidBluecame commented 2 years ago

Hello, Odilkhan

As you can see I'm still making big changes and I still plan major changes to the C API. All is still quite experimental, unstable and pre-alpha, but I think I'm getting now closer. However still quite some work before it gets to a beta stage.

odil24 commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Don't worry.

odil24 commented 1 year ago

Hi @DavidBluecame. It has been a long time ago you said release TEST BUILD but there are have not yet. Any dates?


DavidBluecame commented 1 year ago

Hello. I'm currently working on the final API definition, which is still ongoing. After I have the API defined, I'll work on adapting the Blender exporter, XML loader, etc.

About dates, as this is really complex and time consuming and I cannot give it as much time as I would like, I hope to have an Alpha test build in 3-4 months time, but that's a guesstimate.

Thanks and best regards.

odil24 commented 1 year ago

Hello. I'm currently working on the final API definition, which is still ongoing. After I have the API defined, I'll work on adapting the Blender exporter, XML loader, etc. About dates, as this is really complex and time consuming and I cannot give it as much time as I would like, I hope to have an Alpha test build in 3-4 months time, but that's a guesstimate. Thanks and best regards.

Hi. Great, thanks.

threedslider commented 1 year ago

Hello @DavidBluecame Me too I have several project for 3d software, it is a pain when as you or me make in solo to make a program it consumes more time than we think it... I propose my help for you, maybe we can make a bit more fast so I am open your proposal and ready to learn more for Yafaray if you want, I have not fully reading the source code from Yafaray but it is quite effective and clear for me :) So that is ti, what is your opinion on my proposal ?


DavidBluecame commented 1 year ago


I'm in the middle of a huge refactoring of the YafaRay codebase and API for the upcoming v4. Unfortunately a number of circumstances have prevented me from progressing at the speed I wanted and I'm sorry that the development is slow. However I think it's too soon at the moment for collaboration until I get v4 to a stable situation.

In any case you can follow the standard Git / GitHub workflow of forking the source code and play with it. If you think of developing any improvements you can do it in your fork and send a pull request that I would review. However I cannot guarantee accepting pull requests depending on the scope and contents, especially at this unstable stage.

In any case thank you for your interest.

Best regards.

odil24 commented 9 months ago

Hi @DavidBluecame! Any news?

DavidBluecame commented 9 months ago

Hello Odilkhan.

My apologies for the lack of news. Due to a long series of personal circumstances I could dedicate only very little time to YafaRay in the last months. However I can confirm I've not abandoned the project. I'm (very slowly unfortunately) preparing the new Blender exporter for libYafaRay v4 and Blender v2.8x/v2.9x/3.x/4.0.

threedslider commented 9 months ago

Hello @DavidBluecame, I would like to help you but me too I am learning slowly for 3D Rendering. So I ask you what do you need for help ? And it is good to hear you have not abandoned and please keep it up !

Thank you.

DavidBluecame commented 8 months ago

Hello @threedslider

Apologies for the delay in answering. The codebase for libYafaRay v4.0 is still too unstable at the moment for any external contributions. However if you want to contribute please take a look at the libYafaRay code. Even while the v4.0 code will still change quite a bit, it should be a starting point.

You should already be able to build it using CMake, and test the included examples that run on top of the new libYafaRay API. Only a few of the examples can currently be built (the ones enabled in the CMake configuration) but they should work.

I know I have not uploaded commits in months, but I'm (very slowly) preparing the new Blender exporter. When I have a working exporter (even if not perfect yet) I will upload the changes to the exporter (and any necessary changes to libYafaRay API to support the necessary exporter functionality) and will generate an "alpha" build.

threedslider commented 8 months ago

Hello @DavidBluecame Ok thank you and I will see what I can help you as well, first I will study your source code :) I understand that will change by your but I will adapt as well too so don't worry for that ;)

Happy coding ! Keep it up too !

Thanks to you