Yahnich / Boss-Hunters

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Suggestions #297

Open Yahnich opened 6 years ago

SaintKarien commented 6 years ago

A strange box Event Option 1: Drop some money in (scaling per lvl gold used, gains an event only buff.) Option 2: Destroy said box (Summons an elite demon boss that drops delayed balls everywhere that does alot of damage if you fail to dodge. Basically a brutally hard fight with a great reward if you win, but on loss, lose all gold carried. Because.) Option 3: (Only shows up if below needed gold donate. Offers all current gold. 50% chance of recieving said event only buff above or 50% chance for 1 generic relic.) Option 4: Leave. (Skips event.)

A strange offer Event Option 1: Accept the offer (Loses max HP, gains radiance like effect as a buff+Spell amp.) Option 2: Decline but accept the favor (Gain a generic relic or a weaker/different event buff.) Option 3: Decline completely. (Possibly angers them starting the fight with a pair of bosses, one based around curses and the other on totem smashes.)

Strange floating objects Event Main Option 1: Investigate objects. Triggers a fight with a boss that has MK's disguise and invis. If victory, grants players a choice from below. Option 1: Pick the red object. (Gains a random tank/HP buff/relic.) Option 2: Pick the green object. (Gains a random nuker/spellamp buff/relic.) Option 3: Pick the blue object. (Gains a DPS/Biggus red numbers buff/relic.) Main Option 2: Leave. (Just skips the event.)

Soul split Event Option 1: Accept (Soul is now separate from body. You control the ethereal soul while the body follows and automatically attacks anything near. Both halves take 50% incoming damage each, soul takes a little more from magic though.) Option 2: Accept (Soul is separate, but you control the body. You lose access to spells but gain increased finesse and main stat.) Option 3: Accept (Soul and body are separate, and you control both. Soul is the half with the spells and body is the right click DPSer, to say. 50% incoming damage in general, with the soul taking more from nukes.) Option 4: Decline (Gain a generic relic or a short buff for the next few rounds. Something about training and tea with a well known Swordlady, yes?)

DevilSunrise commented 6 years ago

Ascension Items: These items are purposely overpowered and were meant to only be purchaseable in ascension. where the winrates doesn't count and is just there for fun. it will be very strong in early ascension but wont matter that much in later ascension since bosses will scale even more

Ascension Orb: An item that mostly functions to upgrade current items into Ascension items, given to each player's inventory/stash per ascension, increases in amount with more ascensions. Example: ascension 1 gives 1, ascension 2 gives 2, and so on. or maybe keep it to 1 orb per ascension

Atlantis' Legacy (a Trident with water around it) Components: Cultist Veil (2015) Bottled Maelstorm (5010) Legionnaire Dualsword (3365) Antique Battlestaff (6375) Ascension Orb x2 Recipe (8235) Total: 25000 Stats: +120 Damage +110 Attack Speed +30 All Stats +25 Movement Speed +25% Manacost Reduction Passive: Tidal Surge - Every auto attack have a 80% chance of causing a water burst on the target (Riptide or Torrent for particle effect) dealing 160 magical damage in an AoE of 300. these procs cannot miss. Procs disables the target's healing and slow their attack speed by 80 Active: Maelstorm - Reduce the magic resistance of enemies in 625 radius by 30% for 15 seconds and creates a whirlpool for 5 seconds, sucking enemies to the center (they can still act) while periodically dropping a lightning bolt to all enemies in the radius dealing 250% primary attribute as magic damage every second for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 40 seconds, Mana cost: 300.

Ring of Calamity (Similar icon to Lucy's ring but upgraded/better) Components: Lucy's Ring (5250) Galactice Hammer Level 5 (6300) Warlock's Reliquary (1555) Ascension Orb x2 Recipe (9395) Total : 22500 Stats: +35 Str +25 Agi +50 Int +5 Hp Regen +8 Mana Regen +25% Spell Amp +25% Manacost Reduction +25% Evasion Passive: Celestial Ward - Every time the item's evasion activates, counters the attacker with celestial energy (leshrac's pulse nova particles) dealing 100 base damage + 35% int as magical damage Active: Astral Burst - Channel for 1.5 seconds (if channel is interrupted it doesn't go on cooldown), after channeling, explodes the target area with astral energy (od's new immortal ult particles) dealing 25% of the targets max hp and 2x the amount of mana used to cast as pure damage. Damage is not affected by spell amp. After using the item, mana regen is disabled for 10 seconds. Mana Cost: 70% max mana Cooldown: 135 seconds

Tyrant's Crown (a spiky yellow crown) Components: Cloak of the Hunter (4310) Dark One's Blessing (4060) Father's Pipe (4175) Ascension Orb Recipe (2455) Total : 15000 Stats: +15 All Stats Passive: Aura of the Oppressor - +20% Lifesteal, +25% Damage, +8 Armor, +40% Accuracy, +20% magic res, +15 hp regen, +65 attack speed and +6 mana regen as an Aura in 900 radius Active: Tyrant's Decree - Turns all nearby allies invisible, clearing their threat while giving them a magical barrier that blocks magic damage equals to 20% of the affected target's max hp. Duration is 10 seconds Aoe is 900. Mana Cost: 175 Cooldown: 25

Arctic Heart (Eye of skadi with a darker color) Components: Winter's Breath (6625) Ascension Orb Recipe (1075) Total: 7700 Stats: +30 All Stats Passive: Severe Frostbite - Attacking inflicts a debuff that deals 60 base damage + 40% of primary attribute as damage per second while slowing attack speed by 45 and movement speed by 25% for 5 seconds

SaintKarien commented 6 years ago

Copypasting my suggestions plus some new stuff. From most recent to oldest that I can find.

Blinkfresher item Active: Blink you to a target location. If internal cooldown is off, blinking will refresh any item/spell that's on cooldown. Has an internal cooldown that's separate from the item CD. Item CD is for the blink aspect only. //////////////////////////////////////// A tiny pebble Boss Boss doesn't attack and only moves around bashing anything it hits and dealing damage upon contact. As the boss moves, it gains size and strength. Basically is a timed fight as once the boss fills the arena, heroes will be permabashed/crushed and die. //////////////////////////////////////// Shinigami's Scythe Active item On use, chunks user's hp and deals that damage multiplied infront of them. If any mook dies to the effect, heal user by a certain % per mook. If none are killed, user gains hollow state, causing them to not be able to be healed or regen for some time. Passively grants user a small chance of dealing a % of their current HP compared to boss HP multiplied. If player has more, they do bonus, but if less, they deal only the base damage. /////////////////////////////////////////// Something like a boss that plays with distance. Able to make the distance from a target nil or extend it at will. On player death, spawn a perma shade of the player that buffs the boss till killed or ally is rezzed in any way. Shades do maybe 10-25% hero damage and such. Boss gains extra skills or bonus effects per shade. Upon 4 shades, requiem happens, slowly filling the arena with the souls of the dead/damned. (Will edit it into something proper when back) Basically, a faux blink boss with a kill trigger if 4 allies die and the last can't rez/end in a min. Since the arena slowly gets filled with a decay that acts like the OAA offside effect in sense, just slower. Also could be high risk/reward to trigger it with the DPS alive, since it triggers the boss into a state of channeling that cannot be broken out of without the boss losing a shade stack. So free fire for some time. Well, assuming the team rolls 4 melees since the last guy has to deal with 4 shades and the slow decay effect. Or buy a certain 200gold item. //////////////////////////////////////// The puzzle 'box' Event Option 1: triggers a boss fight with a boss that oddly heals and regens players near. Attacking the boss causes the player to take 100% reflect damage and dispenses the damage to any players near it. Boss has a decent HP pool but slow/minimal Or no HP regen. Option 2: Triggers a fight with a boss that constantly loses HP while dealing said lost HP in an area around it. Boss heals itself and casts regen spells on itself to keep it alive. Option 3: RUN AWAY COS CAN'T DEAL WITH IT. (May edit with more ideas.) //////////////////////////////////////// A random boss idea I had in mind during breakfast: Triggers a fight with a boss that causes players to gain a polarity aura. Arena is marked with random grids and players are hurt if standing in the grid of the wrong color after a short while. Boss also causes the polarity to change randomly (Players an be affected by the same polarity every refresh). after a set time Staying too near another player with the same polarity will cause them to be flung away from each other and the reverse is true for the other way round. Players crashing together or hitting another while flung damages both players. Boss doesn't physically attack heroes and only uses spells to move them around to trigger the damage should they fail to avoid the lifts.(edited) //////////////////////////////////////// I wonder how dumb it'll be for a skill that works like hookshot except it latches onto anything in the way+very close and drags them and the hookshot using tank to a spot and then drops an arena like area around. Or would that work better as a boss attack? For bosses, there can be a slight delay from when the hook is shot and visible before the boss drags itself to the endpoint. Though better instant or really quick for heroes. //////////////////////////////////////// Battle claw/shield Item Toggle : Two modes, a heavy claw and a shield mode. Claw mode passive: Slows attack speed to a fixed speed but causes every hit to crit and bash. Slower heroes may gain increased atk speed though. Shield mode passive: Slows ms but grants high physical defence and block. Also a small chance of a shield bash. Was a combo weapon thing I thought up awhile back, I just thought it was a good enough thing to add tbh. //////////////////////////////////////// Yet another shrine Event Option 1: Aid the shrine maidens in the fight against the horror.: Have the Shrine maidens fight beside the players against said horror. (Lowest rewards, also easiest route. YURI END. Gain a unique charm after.) Option 2: Refuse and attack them, triggering a fight against both Shrine Maidens and the horror that shows up after. (Best rewards, but also cursed rewards only.) Option 3: Decline to help them, causing them to both fall in the ensuring fight and triggering a buffed horror. (Worst rewards technically. Also gain a cursed item after the fight.) Option 4: Decline to help them, but boast you can beat the horror without their aid. {Decent rewards+generic relic.)

Hiruma, Shrine Maiden of the Day Boss/ally Passive: Is buffed during the daytime. Gaining an extra skill and buffed versions of her normal skills Daybreaker: A large beam of light strikes a targeted area, sunstrike style. During the day, multiple beams are summoned randomly around the boss alongside the main beam. Main beam also heals allies in the area during the daytime. Pure of heart: Starts channeling, healing both Reiji and herself. During the day, also grants the both of them damage reduction for the channel and a bonus burst heal if not interrupted before the end. Day only: As bright as the sun: She creates a bubble around her, slowly gathering 'charges' . Charges are gained on recieved damage and slowly over time. Upon reaching 100, bubble burst, healing any ally near and scorching anything/everything else near, blinding and burning them.

Reiji, Shrine Maiden of the Night Boss/Ally Passive: Gains an extra skill during the day and other skills are buffed during the night Moonstruck: A beam lances forth from her, piercing through any obstacles and actually gaining more damage the more the skill hits. During night, this becomes a wave rather than a straight beam. Blessing of the night: Upon channel, restores mana in an area around her while granting Hiruma and herself bonus spell amp on the next spell skill. During night, grants bonus spell amp that lasts for a dutation rather than just the next cast while also increasing autoattack damage. Night only: Nightfall: *both passive and active.)The map is blanketed by darkness, reducing the vision of everything on the map and obscuring the minimap. Both Maidens also gain additional evasion and haste. (or blind the heroes, both worths technically.) On cast, dark shadows are 'spawned' that strike lone targets. (Is also why she's cloder to the horror's than anything, lul.)

The eternal malice Boss Upon spawn: brings heroes+maybe shrine maidens to a unique field or transform the arena into a shadow realm. Passive: Blinds all heroes by a certain degree. Also silences every alternate casts of heroes if none of the shrine maidens are alive. Has a charge/timer system to trigger phase two. 'Passive': Arena is filled with shadow tendrils that lash out against anything near them. They can be 'killed' but more will spawn. Shadowborn: Boss evasion increases to 100% for a short duration. Spawns minor shadow creatures during the skill. The cosuming dark tide: Floods the area in a thick 'fog' of darkness, blinding all heroes and negating their vision barring things right beside them. The fog deals very minor damage while more weak spawns are summoned. boss If a hero dies during the fog, a shadow version of said hero will spawn and rightclick their allies for a % of the hero's damage and all item effects. When charges hit a certain amount/timer reaches a certain time, phase two happens and the boss tosses aside all the minions on the field. Additional passive during phase two: Constantly summoning minions around the arena, if minions get close to the boss, chance to trigger one of the boss's skills. The crushing nightmare: A delayed claw from the darkness striking a marked area. if it hits, pins/roots all heroes hit while dealing additional DoT. The everlasting shadow: This is triggered by having enough minions near the boss. The boss grabs the mooks and devours them, gaining health based on the number of mooks eaten while gaining strength. The dark descent into madness: On cast, boss creates multiple clones of itself a.l.a. doppelganger style. Each doppel has a different attribute placed on it. Like one doing full damage but takes twice th damage, or one that takes very little but does none and any spectrum inbetween or your choice. Basically useless to kill any but the main anyway. Each fake killed triggers a mocking laugh from the boss, making it ever more obvious which is the real one. even if some of the illusions will copy the effect All fakes disappear after 10-20 (IDK. Should be decent but not too long.) seconds and the boss is buffed based on how many fakes the heroes killed in that time. The end of sanity: Casted near death instantly. Boss becomes invul for a short time, laughing constantly as the shadowy dimension falls apart and the heroes are brought back to the shrine arena. All heroes are 'DOOMED/cursed' and will die upon hitting a certain HP point and spawning in a Shadow clone of said hero during the next X areas.

White lily amulet Relic/item (Doesn't matter. works for either) Passive: Links all heroes with the relic/item together, preventing any from dying as long as the rest can take the damage dealt spread out. Doesn't work against pure if possible. Also grants increasing regen based on the number of holders close.

Maiden's fall Cursed item Passive: Massively ncreases damage taken but heals allies around you for said damage you take. //////////////////////////////////////// A forgotten shrine Event Option 1: Pray: gain a temp haste buff Option 2: Donate some gold for one of those strange talismans.: Gain talisman item (listed below. .Option 3: Try stealing said talisman.: Incites wrath of the Goddess of said shrine. Movement is halved for the fight. Winning gets you a cursed ver of the Talisman (Listed below.) and a choice of 1 of 3 cursed relics.

A strange talisman Active item Active: On use, turns all rightclicks on the ground into short distance blinks. Passive: Grants holder a boost to movespeed and maybe aspd.

Cursed talisman Cursed active item Active: Increases damage taken on active, turns all right clicks into random blinks near spot clicked. Passive: User's MS is reduced. Also cost gold to remove/sell. Is undroppable.

The forgotten shrine guardian Boss Passives: ALWAYS HASTED. Boss CANNOT be slowed or rooted. Skills: Razor gale: On use, summons razor leaves travelling randomly in an area. Anything in area is slowed as well. Stage 2 increases number of leaves.

Buffering winds: On cast, 'slowly' pushes (Think gust just that you aren't disabled..) anything away from the boss while damaging them Stage 2 increases force of winds, making it harder to overcome it.

Unending winds: On cast, 'island' is buffered with random winds pushing anything hit in the direction the wind is moving. Units hit are also damaged. Stage 2 increases number of winds at one time, also causes collision into anything to do bonus damage.

A song for the forgotten: Upon reaching 25%~ HP, triggers stage 2 and gains additional effects on spells. //////////////////////////////////////// Pocket pool consumable or perma with a CD On use, create a pool of water around the user. If perma, passively grants user bonus MS+HP/Mana regen in said spawned pool and a reduced amount outside of it //////////////////////////////////////// Speed kills Unique Relic Passive: Holder gains charges as they move. FASTER speeds gain more charges. Upon outgoing damage, amplify said damage based on no. of charges. //////////////////////////////////////// A silver knife Unique relic Passive: Every 8 seconds(pure CD), the next spell cast will "stun" the target and deal damage based on the user's primary stat. Is more like hitting them with Void's Timelock. //////////////////////////////////////// A strange bottle Unique relic Passive: Upon getting hit, chance to evade said hit by turning into mist and leaving behind a bunch of tiny 'illusions'. Mostly decoys. //////////////////////////////////////// An odd shard of ice Unique relic Passive: Chills your attacks and has a chance to summon a froggo next to the target being attacked that baits attention. A certain sword Unique relic Passive: On attack, chance to summon a CERTAIN type of stone above target to crash into them. ////////////////////////////////////////

DevilSunrise commented 6 years ago

Invoker Rework Suggestion/Idea Invoker permanently have all 3 orbs orbiting him, they only change color upon selecting a specific element. all orbs share a cooldown of 8 seconds. all orbs trigger cooldown upon activation. invoker have 8 spells in total, 2 for each form. leveling up and orb upgrades the spell attached to said orb. except the ult. Aghs Upgrade: upgrades some spells.

Talents: Icy Death - Flash Freeze have 300 aoe radius, also increases the duration by 4 seconds Freezing Walls - Hypothermia Barrier also slows attack speed and doubles the damage output Critical Detonation - Surging Plasma sucks in enemies towards its center, upon exploding, stuns everything caught in the aoe for 1 second Energy Overload - Energize becomes a global buff instead of single target Armageddon - Doom Meteor have 3 charges Cataclysmic Eruption - increases Solar Incineration damage by 160 and reduces cooldown by 5 seconds Master of Elements - Quas, Wex, and Exort no longer shares cooldown Archmagus Mastery - Adds 1 more level to Quas, Wex, Exort and spells

Q - Quas passively gives invoker 2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16 hp regen and 3/6/9/12/15/18/21/24 mana regen. when activated change the color of all orbiting orbs to blue and multiplies quas effects by 3x but disables other orbs passive components. when active, quas replaces the current active spells with flash freeze(cold snap) and hypothermia barrier(ice wall)

W - Wex passively gives invoker 2/3.5/5/6.5/8/9.5/11/12.5% movement speed bonus and 6/12/18/24/30/36/42/48 attack speed. when activated change the color of all orbiting orbs to purple and multiplies wex effects by 3x but disables other orbs passive components. when active, wex replaces the current active spells with surging plasma(emp) and energize(alacrity)

E - Exort passively gives invoker 10/16/22/28/34/40/46/52 attack damage bonus and 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40% spell amp. when activated change the color of all orbiting orbs to orange and multiplies exort effects by 3x but disables other orbs passive components. when active, exort replaces the current active spells with solar incineration(sunstrike) and doom meteor(chaos meteor)

R - Regenesis resets orbs back to 3 different color. re-enabling their passive components but without multiplication. Additionally, gives 10/13/16/19/22/25% CDR to invoker. replaces current active spells with incapacitating wave(deafening blast) and tornado. 8 seconds cooldown, cd is not shared with orbs. 10% max mana as manacost. Aghs upgrade: no longer cost mana and removes CD

Spells: Tornado Tosses enemy up in the air for 0.5 seconds. stuns enemies for 0.8/1.1/1.4/1.7/2/2.3/2.6/2.9 seconds and deal a total of 90 base + 20/50/90/140/200/270/350/440 bonus magical damage upon landing. tornado radius is 200 with a travel distance of 3000. also applies basic dispel on enemies. 16 seconds cooldown 150 manacost.

Incapacitating Wave Disarms and silences enemies hit for 0.75/1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5/5.25/6 seconds while knocking them back for 0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds. travel distance of 1000 and radius of 200. 30 seconds cooldown 250 manacost. Aghs upgrade: AoE Incapacitating Wave

Flash Freeze chills the target for 2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5/5/5.5/6 seconds. during this, when the target receives damage it will be frozen for 0.4 seconds and take bonus damage. freeze cooldown is 0.85/0.80/0.75/0.70/0.65/0.60/0.55/0.5 bonus damage is 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80. 20 seconds delayed cooldown 100 manacost.

Hypothermia Barrier point target spell that spawns in a wall of ice in the targeted area for 4.5/6/7.5/9/10.5/12/13.5/15 seconds. slows enemies movement speed by 20/40/60/80/100/120/140/160% (slows attack speed for 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80 with talent) while they are within the wall, the slow lingers for 2 seconds. additionally, deals 10/25/40/55/70/85/100/115 damage per second on contact. 30 seconds cooldown 200 manacost.

Surging Plasma builds up energy at the target location that detonates after 3 seconds. dealing 100/175/250/325/400/475/550/625 magical damage and draining 75/125/175/225/275/325/375/425 mana from enemies hit. invoker restores 50% of the mana drained. mana burned doesn't do damage. detonation radius is 600. 22 seconds cooldown 150 manacost. Aghs upgrade: increases damage to 225/300/375/450/525/600/675/750 and mana drain to 150/200/250/300/350/400/450/500.

Energize increases the target attack speed and damage by 20/35/50/65/80/95/110/125 for 8 seconds. 18 seconds cooldown 75 manacost.

Solar Incineration after a 1.7s delay, deals 100/180/240/320/400/480/560/640 pure damage in 175 radius. damage is not shared evenly. 25 seconds cooldown 175 manacost. Aghs upgrade: solar incineration can be casted 2x before being put on cooldown.

Doom Meteor after 1.5s delay, drops a meteor on the target point that rolls forward, dealing 20/50/80/110/140/170/200/230 contact damage every 0.5 seconds. additionally burns enemies hit for 3 seconds dealing 10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45 damage per second. travel distance 1200, radius 275. 30s cooldown 250 manacost

SaintKarien commented 6 years ago

Copypasta from suggestions since last post.


Purified Rage Relic??? On taking damage, the target that does damage gains a debuff increasing all the damage they take from you. Debuff is gained either based on damage done to user or the amount of hits taken. Debuff stacks endlessly but stacks will be completely removed if user stops taking damage after 5 seconds. Upon killing/last hitting a target with stacks, gain a buff that boosts your damage for a set time based on no. of stacks and also restores you.


Counter strike Cursed Relic Hero gains a chance for a counter attack upon being attacked, but all bosses/creeps now attack at max speed on them. Works like overpower in the fact it ignores untouchable in sense. ////////////////////////////////////////

New boss idea, possibly an event boss. Will write up an event if you feel like it'll work better as one.

Lost soul boss

General thing: Boss does NOT autoattack at all.

Passive: Face your fears or wither fleeing: Facing the boss facefirst and attacking (All sources of damage) does extra damage while attacking from anywhere else does reduced damage. Boss also takes ticking damage from every player that faces the boss, but the boss will damage and heal from players with their backs turned away from it.

Into the Nether: Boss randomly uses this to fade away, taking no ticking damage from the passive but also dealing none. Also hastes the boss allowing them to re-position. Boss SHOULD be slightly visible so players can still track it.

Charge: Boss 'rears' up for a charge forwards after a sec or two. Should not happen while Into the Nether is in play.

Soul fires: Small flames pop up randomly around the map. Blue ones are friendly to players and will restore a small amount of HP and mana to the team upon touch or by being near, read ones will deal a nuke worth of damage and heal the boss very slightly and white ones sap the speed of players touching or very close to them. In phase one, more than 1 blue fire may spawn, and red fires are limited to 5~?

Upon reaching 40% of HP, trigger phase two.

Boss is faster in phase two and takes even less damage from back and sides but BONUS damage from the front

Tormented souls: Every x seconds, terrifying souls appears and crawls after each hero, trying to claw and drag them to the hell from which they come from. Contact with the souls deal increasing damage the longer one is in contact with them, and all soul touch duration stacks. Upon dying to this, playing loses their gravestone, being dragged to hell along with the souls latched to them.

Changes to other spells.

Into the Nether: Boss moves faster now now deals massively reduced damage to players not facing it during this skill. Players still do no damage to it. Duration is shortened however as the boss charges more now.

Charge: Cooldown is slightly lowered and the charge is now faster.

Soul fires: Only 1 blue fire is spawned now.

Possible event reward:

A ghostly silk weave Relic Passive: On being attacked, user goes untargetable and ethereal for a short time and is hasted for a slightly longer duration. Medium length cooldown. User is unable to attack in ethereal mode.

A ghastly death shroud Relic Passive: Grants user contact damage and phase, but curses the wearer with blindness+slowed if too far from enemies. (Something like the old EBF glitch where everything is covered in darkness but you can still see nuke warnings as blindness? Is it also possible to deny a player shared vision with a relic?)


An Antique Camera Relic Facing an enemy gains you charges till a cap of X. Stacks multiply damage done by a factor of X.


SaintKarien commented 6 years ago

Manaleech Cursed relic/parasite User gains mana on attack, gaining more+draining mana if target has mana. If user hasn't attacked a unit with mana after X time, user loses X% of mana per sec to the leech.(Since it feeds on user if not fed enemy mana. Basically it's draining mana and 'sharing' a portion/leftover with the host.) Max mana is also perma reduced by X% upon picking the relic and isn't fixed by getting candle.

Manaleech host Unique relic/symbiote/parasite Passive: User gains the ability to latch a leech on attack, causing the target to lose mana while restoring the user's mana. The leech also causes stacking damage base of number of leeches on the target. Max of X leeches per target. Leeches return to host upon target death and restores an additional pool of mana that can go over the limit. Host takes a permanent % max mana lost due to hosting said symbiotes/parasites.

Tremor Relic Passive: Upon moving, user procs an AoE nuke, nuke area size and slowing effect every X distance. Nuke damage, proc rate and slow depends on user's MS. Min ms does the highest damage and the best slow, but also procs slowly. Max MS causes rapid tremors that deal and slow a little.

Spell sense Unique relic Passive: User gains the ability to cast any spell without needing to face the direction of the target/direction of where is it targeted to.

SaintKarien commented 5 years ago

Dark form Cursed relic Costs 6.66% of mana per sec, drains from start of round. Only paused between rounds and user starts every round with full mana even in Hardcore. User gains a 13% bonus to all stats plus an added bonus to their primary stat. Bonus is lost when mana is at zero and user takes fatigue debuff, causing them to take increased damage and slowing them down. Candle removes gaining of debuff at 0 mana and halves the general mana cost.

Awakened soul Unique relic User gains 1% buff to all stats.

Sadie's worst nightmare Unique relic Upon being struck/taking damage, gain mana equal to % of HP lost.

SaintKarien commented 5 years ago

Treshold of pain and pleasure WHAT?!? Relic Passive: stacking buff that increases upon getting get, gaining damage reduction but also causing one to gain a debuff after that forces them to taunt if not enough damage was taken to meet a threshold that scales. Caps at 50% and threshold is scaled to a minimum of 50% total damage taken. Basically, effect gets weaker if you don't constantly hit the threshold till it hit the max cap. So it starts at 1 charge, granting 5% damage reduction but forcing you to take a bare minimum of 5% total team damage somehow. And as you meet the threshold, the counter increases, granting 5% more but increasing minimum of total team damage by 5%. Failure causes you to lose the 'buff' while having you permataunting till you meet it again.

Mantra/Prayer of Madness One time use event cursed ???Relic??? Passive: Upon lethal blow, trigger "relic". Grants a modified shallow grave effect that ignores even culling blade. Also grants massive aspd, mspd, spell amp and damage. Upon end of duration or round, kill user and prevent tombstone for 1 round. Buyback is avaliable though at an increased cost.

Cursed sword Event relic. Has a MASSIVE warning before being allowed to take it. Blade triggers upon 50 collected deaths after gaining the sword, triggering a really hard boss fight. Blade does nothing at 0 deaths, and gains strength from allies death till 49 deaths. Winning said boss fight grants a permanent buff and removes the counter. Winning will also offer a choice from rare relics.Losing said fight will cost the run.

Swordwhip Toggled item (Does NOT work for ranged heroes. or just grant them the bleed/damage+stats.) On toggle, grants melee hero a longer ranged attack and a chance to induce bleed. Bleed causes a DoT+slows the enemy. When untoggled, loses the range but gains a cleaving attack and bonus damage.

DevilSunrise commented 5 years ago

Lion Boss (Haven't figure out the Name and Title yet) Appearance is vanilla Lion with all his Immortals Boss appears in Solitude and Elysium

Boss is intended to be similar to vanilla Lion, throwing out disables and dealing massive nuke damage.

Abilities: Passive 1 - Boss instantly kills non-heroes and deals 1% more damage everytime he gains a kill, Hero kills increases bonus damage by 10% Passive 2 - silences last 50% less on the boss, heroes that silence the boss takes minor damage upon applying

Active 1: Crystalization - targets a small area, after a short delay, shoots a laser at every hero in it, dealing massive pure damage and crystallize heroes hit for 1s, if the spell kills a hero, that hero is killed permanently for the round (no tombstone and buyback disabled), prioritizes lowest hp hero for targetting, not blockable by ward of life but spellblock will block it. Uses lion's crystal finger kill effect.

Active 2: Hex - hexes the target hero for 2/4 seconds, prioritize highest dps target, additionally breaks the target's passive. Hexed units also have reduced stats (max hp and mag res)

Active 3: Frog Curse - Targets a hero, after a short delay, every hero in a radius around the targetted hero is hexed for 1.5/3 seconds, doesnt break passives, prioritizes heroes with the highest healing.

Active 4: Earth Spike - same as vanilla lion spike, line damage with 1/2s stun.

Active 5: Essence Drain - boss channels, draining the target's max hp and mana by 2.5%/5% per second, targets being drained are slowed and have their passives broken. Break distance 400/800, if the boss is stunned or interrupted the channel will also break. Boss is healed by the amount of mana and hp drained, boss gains 40%/80% damage reduction while channeling. Flagged as hp removal. Affected targets have their healing recieved to be reduced by 25%/50%.

Additional note: Hex gives off a particle effect on the hero as a warning before they got hexed, Earth Spike is allowed to combo into finger. Frog curse is instant, and let out an AoE particle effect around the hero to give the "living bomb" warning. Essence Drain gives the boss 99% status resistance, when he receives a stun/silence/other interrupting effects, the status resistance is reset to 0 and the channel is interrupted, also causes the lion boss to self silence for 2s.

DevilSunrise commented 5 years ago

Solitude/Elysium Boss:

Bastion, the Granite Fortress (Siltbreaker Tiny Boss)

This boss requires you be very aggressive in attacking while being careful to not overextend your offense and end up dying. Boss will hit really hard with physical damage spells but its very predictable so you have to pay attention while attacking it constantly. Boss' auto-attacks are ranged, where it just toss rocks that deal a small amount of damage. It should prioritize casting spells over auto-attacking. only using the auto-attacks on its downtime. Boss is intended to have high base hp but low base armor and magic res. If the boss enrages, all of its damage becomes pure.

Passive 1: Gaia Reform - The boss regenerates 5% of its max hp every 10/5 seconds. this healing cannot be prevented by any means.

Passive 2: Stone Wall - Boss starts with 30%/50% damage reduction. being hit by (max player count*5) will break the shield for 60 seconds. Shield recover timer will never ticks down as long as the boss is receiving damage (for both auto-attacks and spells). DoTs/Debuffs doesn't count for the timer, but will still damage the boss.

Passive 3: Impenetrable - Boss is immune to all disabling status effects/debuffs (stun, disarm, silence, etc)

Active 1: Rockslide - Boss rapidly shoots out rocks to the target direction, dealing heavy physical damage to heroes hit. works similarly to troll boss axe spray, but with way more damage and way smaller radius. about the size of doom boss' raze pillar.

Active 2: Trample - Boss winds up for a while, then charge into the target direction extremely quick. dealing massive physical damage to heroes hit. this should be easily predictable and very telegraphed but very punishing if it lands. capable of oneshotting pretty much anyone except the tankiest hero which should be chunked to below half hp.

Active 3: Hurl - Tosses a hero into a target point, upon landing, other heroes in the area receives medium physical damage and stunned for 1s. tossed heroes loses threat and takes minor pure damage. Prioritizes tossing heroes with the highest threat, toss target is highest DPS. if theres no nearby heroes, toss a boulder instead. Boulders do the same damage but have double the radius

Active 4: Cataclysmic Earthquake - Mark a small radius on the ground beneath all heroes. After 15s/10s, the ground in the marked area burst, instantly killing anyone hit. If a hero survives through WK's aghs or similar effect, they're stunned for 3s. works similarly to asura's stun trap.

DevilSunrise commented 5 years ago

Immortal Aegis (Aegis) Components: Fortress Shield (1700) Orb of Vitality (1900) Plate of the Unbreakable (2185) Recipe (650) Total: 6435 Stats: +7.5 Hp Regen +12 Str +500 Health +3 Armor Passive - Unbreakable Aura: +5 armor aura Passive - Unbreakable Body: Slow immunity Passive - Immortality: upon getting attacked, there's a 50% chance to heal self for 125 hp, this proc also blocks damage taken by 150 Active - Aegis Protection: Hard dispels self while gaining 80% status resist for 5 seconds (lotus orb particles)

SaintKarien commented 5 years ago

A wee 'lil' bunny Boss Rabid strikes: Multiple strikes that inflict bleed on anything in front of the boss.

Leap: Leaps at a marked hero, shredding things around the area it crash lands onto (So one hit from the impact, the multiple weak around the area.)

Jaunt: The boss disappears into the fog, reappearing near the hero with the least HP. (Targets the hero with the lowest HP pool if all heroes are full.)

Twitchy: Boss is resistant to roots and does not lose evasion when slowed. (How viable is this even???)

Feast of flesh and blood: Upon kill, the boss gains a buff that drives it to seek out more, increasing general speed (MS/Cast speed/AtkSPD) based on number of heroes killed multiplied by the lowest HP of all heroes left alive. Maybe increase in model size per kill and make it redder/bloodier?

DevilSunrise commented 4 years ago

Add a visual countdown to a teamwipe to show how much time for the players to buyback before the round is considered lost

DevilSunrise commented 4 years ago

Bane Waking terror now causes the target unit to receive 20% bonus damage from all sources instead of fearing them

DevilSunrise commented 4 years ago

Naga Siren Aquatic Mirage HP Regen to 4/11/18/25/25/25/25 (Water Regen to 8/22/36/50/50/50/50 Aquatic Mirage Illusion Outgoing Damage to 20%/30%/40%/50%/50%/50%/50% Aquatic Mirage Illusion Incoming Damage to 250%/250%/250%/250%/200%/150%/100% Illusion Duration to 20/20/20/20/25/30/35 Q Manacost to 70/85/100/115/130/145/160 Make Illusion (including summons) damage to count on the scoreboard

Water Snare Duration to 2/3/4/5/5/5/5 Water Snare Cooldown to 14/14/14/14/12/10/8

Ebb and Flow Deprecated, moved into a component inside Riptide Riptide Damage to 100/150/200/250/250/250/250 Riptide Armor Reduction to 2/3/4/5/7/9/11 Passive Riptide power to 40% (40/60/80/100/100/100/100 damage per proc) Aghs upgrade now also causes Riptide applies In Water buff to self for 4s (50% of the debuff duration, illusions also get the in water buff. Passive proc duration is 1.6s)

Innate is now Valkyrie of the Depths - If Naga is affected by the "In Water" buff, she gains 30% of her total agility as bonus agility and +50% spellamp (not sure how will this work on illusions, maybe it should only affect the main one hmmm)

Song of the Siren radius to 1000/1200/1400/1400/1400/1400 Song of the Siren Cooldown to 160/120/80/80/80/80 Song of the Siren Manacost to 150/150/150/100/50/0

Slardar Guardian Sprint now provides passive 4%/8%/12%/16%/16%/16%/16% movement speed when in water (stacks with sprint bonus) Guardian Sprint movement speed bonus to 20%/28%/36%/44%/44%/44%/44% Guardiant Sprint grants 0%/0%/0%/0%/40%/50%/60% status resistance when activated Activating Guardian Sprint now doubles the bonus damage/armor of E

Slithereen Crush Damage to 80/140/200/260/260/260/260 Slithereen Crush Move Speed Slow to 30%/30%/30%/30%/40%/50%/60% Slithereen Crush Attack Speed Slow to 50/50/50/50/60/70/80 Slithereen Crush Cooldown to 8/8/8/8/7/6/5

Oathbreaker Bash damage to 60/80/100/120/120/120/120 Oathbreaker Bash chance to 20%/20%/20%/20%/25%/30%/35%

Corrosive Haze armor break to 10/15/20/20/20/20 Corrosive Haze duration to 18/18/18/22/26/30 Corrosive Haze manacost to 50/75/100/100/100/100

Old Aghs Effect replaces Riptidal Scars Talent Effect Slardar's Aghs now causes him to create a 600 radius puddle for 25 seconds that gives the In Water buff when he casts Slithereen Crush Aghs causes Oathkeeper to grant +35 health regen

Slark Essence Shift Duration to 15/17.5/20/22.5/25/27.5/30 Aghs Effect changed: Essence Shift becomes a unit target spell targetting allied hero, when cast, Slark temporarily gives the allied hero his Essence Shift stats for its duration (they do not gain the Essence Shift effect itself, just the stats, works with Sign of Libra), the stacks are lost when the duration is over. This doesnt disable Essence Shift from Slark, so he can build up new stacks from 0. Cooldown: 45s

DevilSunrise commented 4 years ago

Hero Legendary Relics: Naga Siren Oceanum Infinitio - Casting Riptide applies an attack to enemy units hit (doesn't work on passive proc but does work on illusions when actively cast, attack happens after the armor break and riptide's damage)

Winter Wyvern Skadi's Blessing - When Winter Wyvern afflicts enemies with the Frozen status, they are frozen for double the duration (so 2s) and takes 50% increased damage, Chilled enemies take 25% increased damage and deals 50% less damage

DevilSunrise commented 4 years ago

Some ideas for item actives on certain passive only items for when they reached immortal tier, or just a high enough level. basically giving a reward to maxing out an item, giving you the choice of going slots and stones or commit to an item's effect

Butterfly Remodeled into Talisman of Evasion, at immortal tier or higher levels upgrades into Butterfly, giving an active 100% evasion buff for x seconds

Fortress Shield Becomes Unyielding Totem at immortal tier or higher levels, activate to temporarily gain 30% damage reduction damage block increases by 10 per level half as effective block vs magic damage

Boots of Speed Branches at level 2 into: -Phase Boots (active giving phased movement) > Wings of Icarus at high level (flying movement) -Power Treads (slow resistance or immunity) > Stone Boots thing/Slippers of the Abyss at high level (slow and root immunity) -Mana Boots (heal you for x point of mana every y distance moved) > Guardian Greaves (heals hp as well). Treads line have slightly more passive movespeed than other boots line if it feels weaker

Culling Greataxe Rebranded into something else, or made more obvious it works on ranged, just a general kind of thing because people see battlefury > oh it works on melee only/cleave (even though its actually splash)

Pugna Boss (i know not an item but...) Magic damage per attack increased (50% or just make it 100%), heals from damage done by this passive tooltip on nether ward and decripify missing He can now auto attack decripified target and gains attack speed doing so

DevilSunrise commented 4 years ago

Naga Siren FISH!!!1!

Q HP regen to 10/10/10/10/15/20/25 Q Illusion Damage Dealt 20%/30%/40%/50% Q Illusion Damage Taken to 250%/250%/250%/250%/200%/150%/100% Q Manacost to 70/85/100/115/130/145/160 Q CD to 45/40/35/30 Q Castpoint fix QT2 - +10% illusion damage dealt and +1 illusion spawned

W duration to 2/3/4/5/5/5/5 W no longer does impact damage nor damage per second W now reduces target evasion by 15%/15%/15%/15%/20%/25%/30% W -100% evasion fix 4Head WT1 - 30% bonus damage changed to +15% additional base crit chance to self and illus, attack speed bonus to 120 WT2 - Net can be cast on allied units, causing them to benefit from the last basic spell Naga cast that is not net (Riptide will cause that ally to heal for the damage value+gain increased armor equal to the reduced armor instead)

Aghs casting riptide will cause Naga to attack enemies affected by it (attack takes effect after the damage and armor break so its not a bonus added damage), works on illusions but only one source of riptide applies the attack

R Duration to 5/5/5/6/7/8 R CD to 140/100/60 R Manacost to 150/150/150/100/50/0 RT2 - Charmed enemies are dazed for 5s after song ends, also causes them to take 25% (or 20% if 25% is too much) additional damage from naga and her illusions

DevilSunrise commented 3 years ago


Q - Duration to 40s

Q - CD to 80/80/80/80/70/60/50 Q - Regen bonus to 10/20/30/40 Q - Gold gained to 50/100/150/200 Q - Now do pure damage equal to 2x the gold gained on cast (100/200/300/400, unless icon of greed, etc), if the target dies from the damage, health regen bonus is doubled QT1 - Doom gains attack damage and attack speed equal to 2x the regen bonus (considering he have 2.0 BaT this is either fine or maybe a bit too low idk) QT2 - enemies targetted by Q is taunted to doom for 5s, additionally causes doom to instantly generate 100 threat, Doom gains thorns value equal to hp regen value considered suggesting the gold gained to be for Doom himself, since why would satan himself not be selfish with his money and instead cares about his teamate's gold rather than staying a dirty capitalist, but i'm unsure about this since it may feel bleh

W - DoT to 15/35/55/75 W - Duration to 15s W - MS modification to 6/9/12/15/15/15/15 W - AS modification to 0/0/0/0/40/80/120 W - CD to 55/55/55/55/45/35/25 WT1 - Doom heals for 100% of the damage dealt by W WT2 - W radius is doubled and doom passively have an aura around him that does 33% of the W DoT value (stacks with the active component, totaling in 20/46.6/73.3/100 DoT when active, basically free radiance), this aura doesn't modify AS or MS

E - Base Burn DoT to 16/32/48/64 E - Max HP Burn DoT to 1.25% E - Burn Duration to 2/2/2/2/3/4/5 E - Stun duration to 0.4s E - CD to 12/10/8/6 ET1 - doubles the base Burn DoT, no longer increases maxhp burn DoT ET2 - E stun duration +1s and E applies break during the burn

R - no longer breaks passives innately R - DoT to 25/40/55/65/75/85 R - duration to 12/12/12/13/14/15 RT2 - Doom applies a hard dispel and constantly dispels the target for the duration and enemies under Doom have all source of healing disabled Aghs - no longer changes behaviour from unit target to point target, pillar of hellfire now causes doom to do an attack on every enemy hit, only applies doom to the main target, apply the current level infernal blade to enemies hit by the pillar (or maybe just remove it i guess, i kinda like the big fat sword slam tho so this is a biased suggestion in attempts to kept the aghs effect in)