YahooArchive / mendel

A build toolchain for experimentation on isomorphic web applications with tree-inheritance and multivariate support.
MIT License
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Improved example of "support" field. #117

Closed stephanwlee closed 7 years ago

stephanwlee commented 7 years ago

full-example/package.json now includes different ways to bootstrap test environment.

npm run test will bootstrap from "setup.js" whereas npm run test-dev will bootstrap from glob (all files - test/setup.js,test/setup/jsdom.js,test/setup/mocha-global.js)

stephanwlee commented 7 years ago

@anuragdamle note that support is not strictly needed for mendel-mocha-runner. If we cannot find preludes in the support or cache, we evaluate the code out of text.

This might be favorable if your prelude (like lodash?) brings in a huge dependency which otherwise would not be there. Huge dependency chain can cause slower daemon as we need to transform more files and what not. Btw, because we evaluate the code out of text, it is very preferable to have that piece of code written in pure/node-runnable Es6 without ES Module (unless Node8+ supports it in the future).

muralikr commented 7 years ago


irae commented 7 years ago
